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Table 2 Overview of appointment time and personnel costs for team prenatal care

From: OB Nest randomized controlled trial: a cost comparison of reduced visit compared to traditional prenatal care


OB Nest

(n = 131)

Usual Care

(n = 130)


In Person Visits, n

9.9 (3.3)

13.7 (3.2)

< 0.01

Provider Visits, n

6.3 (1.7)

9.4 (1.9)

< 0.01

Nurse Encounters*, n

22.3 (7.4)

5.5 (3.7)

< 0.01

Other Visits**, n

2.2 (1.8)

2.3 (1.6)


Provider Time, min

160.8 (45.0)

215.0 (71.6)

< 0.01

Nurse Time*, min

237 (25.1)

99.6 (29.7)

< 0.01

Other Time**, min

82.3 (54.2)

86.4 (51.3)


Provider Cost, 2015 U.S. Dollars


$154 (96)

$114 (145)

< 0.01


$70 (42)

$136 (87)

< 0.01

 Nurse Cost

$252 (85)

$106 (52)

< 0.01

Total Personnel Cost

$476 (120)

$356 (129)

< 0.01

  1. *Includes connected care visits and in person visits
  2. **Other visits or time refers to ultrasound, laboratory, and genetic counseling visits