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Table 2 Description of independent variables used in the analysis

From: Community-level factors associated with the use of facility-based delivery assistance in Uganda: a multilevel analysis


Operational Definition

County Level


Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a rural area, 0 otherwise

 Infant death

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the proportion of infant death is more than 0.10 (the national mean based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Woman’s Education

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the proportion of women with more than a primary education is more than 0.10 (the national median based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Household Head’s Education

Binary variable where 1 indicates household head lives in a county in which the proportion of household heads with more than a primary education is more than 0.28 (the national median based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Poverty concentration

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the proportion of women living in households who are below the poverty line in 05/06 prices is more than 0.22 (the national median based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Large family norm

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the proportion of women with families with 5 or more children is more than the national average (> 0.10), 0 otherwise

 Distance to any health facility

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the average distance to any health facility is less than 33 min (the national median based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Quality of health facility

Binary variable where 1 indicates that woman lives in a county in which the proportion of women with at least one health facility with a good quality rating is more than 0.58 (the national average based on the sample), 0 otherwise

 Female economic empowerment norm

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a county in which the proportion of women who work at job with a wage or salary is more than 0.10 (the national median based on the sample), 0 otherwise



Categorical variables. Indicator variable for whether respondent’s age lies in any of the following 10 year range age groups: 15–24; 25–34; 35–49.


Categorical variable. Indicator variable for whether the total number of children borne by respondent is in any of the following categories: 1 child; 2-4 children; 5 or more children

 Woman’s Education

Categorical variable. Indicator variable for whether the highest grade completed by respondent is in any of the following categories: No school, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

 Household Head’s Education

Categorical variable. Indicator variable for whether the highest grade completed by household head is in any of the following categories: No school, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

 Birth history

Binary variable where 1 indicates whether respondent has ever had a child die, 0 otherwise


Binary variable where 1 indicates woman lives in a household whose consumption expenditure falls below the poverty line in 05/06 prices, 0 otherwise

 Marital status

Categorical variables. Indicator variable for whether the respondent’s marital status grade is in any of the following categories: Married monogamously, married polygamous, divorced/separated, widow, never married

 Female economic empowerment

Binary variable where 1 indicates woman has a job that pays a wage or salary, 0 otherwise