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Table 1 Examples of themes

From: Birth, attitudes and placentophagy: a thematic discourse analysis of discussions on UK parenting forums


Coding frequency


Positive attitudes and experiences


“I decided to do the placenta encapsulation as I suffered severe baby blues on the first 2... The difference seemed very noticeable, it really seemed to help me with all the the things I struggled with after the other two pregnancies“

Negative attitudes and experiences


“whats the views on placenta eating, be it frying it, turning it into pills or whatever, i personally dont think i could do it, the thought makes me want to heave, but each to their own. Thoughts?”

Logistical discussions


“Anyone tried it? If so, did your midwife/doctor help you to collect/store it? How did you prepare it for eating? Did other people e.g. your DH [dear husband] eat it too?”

Control and autonomy


“obviously some people have really strong views about this. .. at the end of the day,it is your choice, your placenta. .. don;t feel you shouldn;t do it because other people ridicule the idea”

Placentophagy as natural


“our stomachs turn quite easily in the western worldi would imagine it wouldn’t freak a lot of people out that much as a natural ritual post birth”

Placentophagy as medicine


“If you’re researching, go and look at actual peer reviewed studies please, not sales pitches you read online.”