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Table 1 Framework with themes from the end of step 2, step 5, and with final themes

From: A qualitative study of the factors influencing recruitment to a pilot trial on the prevention of striae gravidarum

End of step 2

Step 5


1. Anti-stretch mark product chosen

1. Prevention of stretch marks and anti-stretch mark product choice

1. Preventing stretch marks and choice of anti-stretch mark product

2. Influences on decision or choice of product

2. Influences on product choice

2. Who knows best?

3. Confidence in chosen/planned product

3. Influences on trial participation or not

3. Influencers: Current trial participation

4. Influences on trial participation

4. Influences on future trial participation

4. Influencers: Future trial participation

5. Influences on future trial participation


6. Influences on future anti- stretch mark product purchases


7. Stretch marks in pregnancy


