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Table 5 Bivariate and Multivariate analyses of adverse perinatal outcomes with maternal age, Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northern Ethiopia, 2017/18 (n = 752)

From: Advanced maternal age pregnancy and its adverse obstetrical and perinatal outcomes in Ayder comprehensive specialized hospital, Northern Ethiopia, 2017: a comparative cross-sectional study

Perinatal death2

Age group

No, n (%)

Yes, n (%)

COR (95% CI)

AOR (95% CI)

P value

20–34 years

364 (96.8)

12 (3.2)




≥35 years

338 (89.9)

38 (10.1)

3.410 (1.753–6.636)

2.536 (1.141- 5.635) *

Low fifth minute Apgar score3≠

Age group

No, n (%)

Yes, n (%)

COR (95% CI)

AOR (95% CI)

P value

20–34 years

354 (94.4)

10 (2.4)



< 0.001

≥35 years

288 (76.6)

54 (14.4)

6.637 (3.591–15.234)

7.507 (3.134- 17.98) *


Age group

No, n (%)

Yes, n (%)

COR (95% CI)

AOR (95% CI)

P value

20–34 years

362 (96.3)

10 (2.7)




≥35 years

329 (87.5)

42 (11.2)

4.621 (2.282- 9.359)

3.622 (1.469- 8.930) *>

Post term2≠

Age group

No, n (%)

Yes, n (%)

COR (95% CI)

AOR (95% CI)

P value

20–34 years

357 (94.9)

15 (4.0)




≥35 years

354 (94.1)

17 (4.5)

1.143 (0.562- 2.324)

Low birthweight2≠

Age group

No, n (%)

Yes, n (%)

COR (95% CI)

AOR (95% CI)

P value

20–34 years

362 (96.3)

10 (2.7)




≥35 years

329 (87.5)

42 (11.2)

4.621 (2.282–9.359)

3.137 (1.324–7.433) *

  1. n (number), % (percent)
  2. among 50 perinatal deaths, nine of them were intrauterine fetal death in which birth weight and weeks of gestation were not registered, four of them were early neonatal death and the rest were stillbirth. Moreover, Apgar score was not documented
  3. * Significantly associated
  4. 1 The dependent variable was regressed with maternal age, residence, number of ANC visits, malpresentation, gravidity and bad obstetric history
  5. 2 The dependent variable was regressed with maternal age, residence, number of ANC visits, malpresentation, gravidity, bad obstetric history, PIH, APH, PROM & AF disorders
  6. 3 The dependent variable was regressed with maternal age, residence, number of ANC visits, malpresentation, gravidity, bad obstetric history, preterm delivery, low birth weight, PIH, APH, PROM & AF disorders