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Table 2 Variables entered into the multiple linear regression analyses

From: Factors contributing to men’s grief following pregnancy loss and neonatal death: further development of an emerging model in an Australian sample

Stage entered into the model


Stage 1 (individual variables)

Loss type; Grief stylea; PAAS Time in Attachment; PASS Quality of Attachment; Whether men attended obstetric appointments; Whether men viewed an ultrasound image of their baby; Age at time of loss; Ethnicity; Importance of religion; Number of previous losses; Number of surviving children at time of loss

Stage 2 (interpersonal variables)

Marital satisfaction; Extent of agreement to the statement: “My role following the loss was to support my partner and family”; Extent of agreement to the statement: “I was unable to grieve, because I was too busy supporting everyone else”; Total CSS score; Extent of acknowledgement from partner; Extent of acknowledgement from family; Extent of acknowledgement from friends

Stage 3 (community variables)

Extent of acknowledgement from community; CMNI Self-Reliance subscale total score; MRNI Toughness subscale total score

Stage 4 (policy/system variables)

Extent of acknowledgement from healthcare professionals; Degree to which participants felt included in the hospitalb; Whether employment leave was offered to men; Whether other psychosocial supports were offered to men

  1. Note: aEntered only into model 1 (dependent variable = PGS total score); bClassified into a high/low level of inclusion based on original Likert scale responses (scores 1–3 = low level of inclusion and 4–5 = high level of inclusion)