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Table 5 Literature on Unhealthy Maternal Behaviors and its Influence on Fetal and Child Development

From: Maternal health behaviors during pregnancy in rural Northwestern China


Unhealthy maternal behaviors

Influence on child development


Exposures to unhealthy substances

Exposure to tobacco (including second-hand smoke)

Increases child’s risk for asthma and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

He [26]

Román [55]

Hernández-Martínez [7]

Rodriguez [62]

Alcohol consumption

Affects child brain development, damages selective brain structures, and increases the risk of growth retardation; Mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy were also at elevated risk of experiencing placental abruption

Aliyu [8]

Jones [63]

Isaksen [64]

Nilsson [65]

Exposure to toxins, such as pesticides

Negatively impacts birth weight and brain development

Bouchard [41]

Currie [66]

Exposure to radiation

Associated with prenatal death, intrauterine growth restriction, smaller head size, intellectual disability, organ malformation, and childhood cancer

Williams [42]

Inadequate maternal nutrition

Inadequate folic acid consumption in early pregnancy

Increases risk for neural tube defects

McStay [67]

Yang [22]

Out of standard range for pre-pregnancy maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) and pregnancy weight gain

Associated with higher risks of low birth weight and preterm birth and increased risk of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological disorders later in life

Pan [25]

Rivera [62]

Diouf [68]

Stang [69]

Low dietary diversity

Increased risk of low birth weight and preterm birth

Yang [22]

Zerfu [9]

Inadequate antenatal care

Less than the recommended number of antenatal visits

Increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight

Vogel [24]

Later than recommended first antenatal visit

Increased risk of low birth weight and infant mortality

Khanal [70]