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Table 1 Baseline data for group with stillbirths (78 women, 79 babies) and the group with live births (n = 28,584)

From: Could a multidisciplinary regional audit identify avoidable factors and delays that contribute to stillbirths? A retrospective cohort study



n = 78

mean (SD) or n (%)

Live births

n = 28,584

mean (SD) or n (%)

p valuea/

Relative risk (95% CI)

Maternal characteristics

 Age (years)

32.2 (5.1)

32.4 (5.2)



25.5 (4.4)

24.4 (4.4)



4 (5)

849 (3)

1.68 (0.65–4.39)

 History of psychiatric comorbidity

9 (11.3)

3579 (13)

0.91 (0.49–1.68)

 In vitro fertilization

4 (5)

1827 (6.5)

0.78 (0.29–2.02)


20 (25.6)

12,257 (43.5)

0.58 (0.39–0.85)


5 (6.4)

877 (3.07)

2.06 (0.88–4.83)

 At least one previous miscarriage

26 (33.3)

6858 (23.9)

1.42 (1.05–1.94)

 Complications of pregnancyd

9 (11.5)

1678 (6.5)

1.75 (0.94–3.24)

Socio-economic situation

 Living with the father of the child

69 (87.3)

25,927 (93.7)

0.84 (0.75–0.94)

 Single mother

4 (5)

539 (1.95)

2.59 (0.99–6.77)

 Education: more than 3 years postsecondary

29 (39.7)

13,284 (47.5)

0.77 (0.57–1.03)

 Working fulltime

38 (48.7)

16,902 (64.1)

0.58 (0.44–0.75)

Country of birth


33 (42.3)

18,807 (66.8)

0.58 (0.45–0.75)


13 (20.5)

3973 (14.1)

1.16 (0.74–1.80)


15 (19.2)

1771 (6.3)

2.43 (1.53–3.87)

Onset of labour


17 (21.5)

19,560 (68.4)

< 0.01


53 (67.1)

5337 (18.7)

 Caesarean (ES + AS)

9 (11.4)

3684 (12.9)

Method of delivery

 Spontaneous vaginal

67 (84.8)

20,908 (73.4)



2 (3)

1586 (5.6)

 Caesarean (ES + AS)

10 (12.6)

6002 (21)

Infant characteristics

 Gestational age (days)

231 (43.5)

277 (13.6)

< 0.01

 22–32 weeks of gestation

33 (41.8)

308 (1.8)

39.4 (29.87–52.08)

 Term pregnancies

27 (34.2)

25,230 (88.3)

0.38 (0.28–0.51)

 Birth weight (g)

1953 (1241)

3480 (584.1)

< 0.01

 Length (cm)

42 (10.1)

50 (2.7)

< 0.01

 Female gender

41 (51.8)

14,352 (49.4)

1.04 (0.85–1.28)


6 (7.6)

1041 (3.64)

2.05 (0.95–4.46)

 Small for gestational age

32 (40.5)

1144 (3.9)

10.3 (7.88–13.46)

  1. ap value significant if < 0.05; the differences between the groups are presented as relative risk with a 95% Confidence interval
  2. bBMI = Body Mass Index = weight in kg/height x height in m2, calculated at the beginning of pregnancy
  3. cSmokers at the beginning of pregnancy
  4. dGestational diabetes, preeclampsia, hypertension, or cholestasis of pregnancy; the continuous variables are presented as mean and SD, and the categorical variables are presented as numbers (percentages of total)
  5. ES elective caesarean section, AS acute caesarean section