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Table 2 Proportion of maternal anaemia prevalence stratified by malaria endemic zones, 2016–2019: Coast and Lake endemic sub-counties have stable malaria transmission throughout the year. Highland epidemic has seasonal transmission patterns with considerable year-to-year variation whereas Low risk sub-counties have low temperatures unsuitable for the malaria parasite sporogonic cycle. Seasonal transmission zone has short periods of intense malaria transmission during the rainfall seasons

From: Mapping of anaemia prevalence among pregnant women in Kenya (2016–2019)


Public Health Significance (95% UI)

Normal (< 5.0%)

Mild (5.0–19.9%)

Moderate (20.0–39.9%)

Severe (> 40.0%)


1.1% (0.0–2.2)

9.0% (6.1–11.9)

17.1% (13.3–21.0)

72.8% (68.3–77.4)


20.1% (17.9–23.1)

58.1% (54.9–61.3)

20.2% (17.6–22.8)

1.2% (0.1–1.9)


8.8% (10.1–14.1)

55.8% (52.7–58.8)

22.5% (19.9–25.1)

9.7% (7.8–11.5)

Low risk

12.6% (10.8–14.4)

58.2% (55.4–60.9)

23.1% (20.8–25.4)

6.2% (4.8–7.5)


13.5% (11.5–15.5)

48.8% (45.9–51.8)

27.3% (24.6–29.9)

10.4% (8.6–12.2)