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Table 3 Characteristics of Participants

From: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the childbirth experience questionnaire


n (%)

Education Level

 Primary Education

11 (3.5%)

 Secondary Education

66 (21.4%)

 Tertiary Education

231 (75%)



8 (25.9%)


212 (68%)


2 (6.4%)

 Do not wish to declare

7 (2.2%)


79 (25.6%)

Marital status


297 (96.4%)

 Not cohabiting

11 (3.5%)

Number of children


220 (71.4%)


67 (21.7%)


12 (3.8%)


7 (2.2%)

Local Birth

 Hospital Birth

285 (92.5%)

 Home Birth

23 (7.4%)

Financial Assistance for Childbirth

 Public Health Service

131 (42.5%)

 Health Insurance

109 (6.1%)


68 (22%)

Childbirth attendants (multiple options were allowed)


241 (78.2%)

 Obstetric nurse

193 (62.6%)


88 (28.6%)


16 (5.2%)

Onset of Labor


277 (89.9%)


31 (10%)

Type of delivery

 Spontaneous vaginal

296 (96.1%)

 Instrumental (Forceps or Vacuum Extractor)

12 (3.9%)

Nonpharmacological methods

187 (39.3%)

Analgesia during childbirth

 Epidural block

31 (10.1%)

 Spinal anesthesia

20 (6.5%)

 Block of pudendal nerve

1 (0.3%)

 Participant did not know what to answer

18 (5.8%)