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Table 1 Sociodemographic data, breastfeeding duration, and nonnutritive sucking habits

From: Influence of pacifier use on the association between duration of breastfeeding and anterior open bite in primary dentition


n = 153

Mother age (years), mean ± SD

24.4 ± 6.3

Mother race white, n (%)

100 (65.4)

Schooling ≥8 years, n (%)

99 (64.7)

Primiparity, n (%)

78 (51.0)

Child age (months), mean ± SD

50.2 ± 7.2

Child sex male, n (%)

83 (54.2)

Breastfeeding duration (months), median (P25-P75)

11.5 (4–30)

Pacifier use at any time, n (%)

114 (74.5)

Pacifier use duration (months), median (P25-P75)

38.5 (0–45)

Anterior open bite, n (%)

68 (44.4)

  1. P25-P75 25th–75th percentile, SD standard deviation