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Table 3 A summary of pregnancy outcomes of the patients with and without compression sutures

From: Clinical outcomes of prophylactic compression sutures for treatment of uterine atony during the cesarean delivery of twins


Patients without compression sutures (n = 37)

Patients with compression sutures (n = 4)

Interval to subsequent pregnancy (months)

21.2 ± 13.2

22.5 ± 6.4

Mode of conception



3 (75%)


4 (10.8%)

1 (25%)

Subsequent delivery outcomes

 Full-term delivery

14 (37.8%)

1 (25%)

 Preterm delivery

0 (0%)

0 (0%)


7 (18.9%)

0 (0%)

 Ectopic pregnancy

3 (8.1%)

0 (0%)

 Ongoing pregnancy

13 (35.2%)

3 (75%)

  1. ART Assisted reproductive technology, C/S Cesarean section; n(%) or mean ± standard deviation