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Table 1 Summary of secondary hypertension and its clinical features in pregnancy

From: A successful pregnancy in a patient with secondary hypertension caused by adrenal adenoma: a case report

Causes of secondary hypertension in pregnancy

Prevalence in pregnancy

Clinical features

Clinical Examination

Chronic kidney disease



Screen albuminuria, serum creatinine and Renal ultrasound



sustained or paroxysmal hypertension, palpitation, cardiomyopathy,impaired glucose tolerance

24-h urinary fractionated metanephrines and catecholamines

and plasma fractionated metanephrines;

Using abdominal

ultrasound or a non-contrast MRI for localization of tumor

Primary aldosteronism


increased secretion of aldosterone, low plasma renin activity, and hypertension, hypokalemia.

increased Plasma aldosterone concentrations and suppressed plasma renin activity;

Abdominal ultrasonography or MRI scan can be performed if there is high clinical suspicion for an adrenal mass.

Renovascular hypertension

(including fibromuscular dysplasia and Takayasu’s arteritis)


Hypertension at a young age(<35 years) with abdominal vascular murmurs

ultrasound examination, MRI, angiography

Cushing’s syndrome


Weight gain, striae, Moon Face,facial acne,impaired glucose tolerance

24 h urine free cortisol elevation, loss of circadian fluctuation in cortisol;

Using abdominal ultrasound or a non-contrast MRI for localization of tumor

obstructive sleep apnea


Snoring, hypertension


Other uncommon cause

Thyroid disease, maternal coarctation of aorta, systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue disease