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Table 4 Summary of studies – provider characteristics

From: Adjunct clinical interventions that influence vaginal birth after cesarean rates: systematic review



Country, setting;



Study period

Intervention & comparator (no. of participants)

TOLAC ratea

VBAC ratea


Russillo (2008)


Canada, secondary care urban hospital

Non-industry funded

Pregnant women with at least one previous CS, singleton delivery, birth weight at least 500 g

January 1995–December 2003

Grp 1: deliveries performed by obstetricians (n = 3493)

Grp 2: deliveries performed by family physicians (n = 201)

Grp 1: 1768 (50.6%)

Grp 2: 163 (81.1%), p < 0.001

Grp 1: 1136 (32.5%)

Grp 2: 124 (61.7%)

Grp 1: 1136 (64.3%)

Grp 2: 124 (76.1%), p = 0.002

White 2016

Non-concurrent cohort

UK, tertiary teaching hospital

Non-industry funded

Women with one previous CS who received antenatal and intrapartum care during study period

2008 & 2011

Grp 1 (2008): obstetrician-led antenatal care (n = 209)

Grp 2 (≥2011): midwife-led antenatal care (n = 196)

Attempted VBAC:

Grp 1: 143 (68.4%)

Grp 2: 153 (78.1%)

Actual VBAC:

Grp 1: 98 (46.9%)

Grp 2: 120 (61.2%);

aOR 1.79 (95% CI 1.17–2.75), p < 0.05

Spontaneous VBAC:

Grp 1: 67 (32.1%)

Grp 2: 85 (43.4%);

OR 1.62 (95% CI 1.08–2.43)

Successful/attempted VBAC:

Grp 1: 98 (68.5%)

Grp 2: 120 (78.4%);

OR 1.67 (95% CI 0.99–2.82), NS (p > 0.05)

Yee 2017

Retrospective cohort

US, large teaching hospital

Funding NR

Women ≥18 years old with one prior low transverse CD, a term, cephalic singleton gestation, and no prior VD

January 2008–June 2013

Grp 1: night float schedule (n = 556)

Grp 2: traditional call schedule (n = 946)

Grp 1: 184 (33.1%)

Grp 2: 156 (16.5%), p < 0.001

Grp 1: 104 (18.7%)

Grp 2: 88 (9.3%), p < 0.001

Grp 1: 104 (56.5%)

Grp 2: 88 (56.4%), p = 0.98

Zhang 2016


China, hospital obstetric department

No funding

Women with a history of previous CS in labor willing to undergo a VD

May 2013–November 2014

I: continuing midwifery care (n = 48)

C: standard maternity care (n = 48)


I: 42 (87.5%)

C: 32 (66.7%), p < 0.05


  1. no. number, TOLAC trial of labor after cesarean, VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean, CS cesarean section, g grams, Grp group, UK United Kingdom, aOR adjusted odds ratio, CI confidence interval, OR odds ratio, NS not significant, US United States, CD cesarean delivery, VD vaginal delivery, RCT randomized controlled trial, I intervention, C comparator, NR not reported
  2. aResults of statistical tests or summary statistics were extracted whenever these were reported within studies