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Table 5 Interventions to increase contraception uptake- Pros and cons based on literature as well as conference and survey/focus group discussions

From: Development of an integrated, district-wide approach to pre-pregnancy management for women with pre-existing diabetes in a multi-ethnic population


Content/ details

Places (to be implemented)




Workshops for HCPsa and pharmacies [48]

Available contraceptive methods for women with diabetes and insertion techniques for IUDb

Primary and secondary care services and pharmacies

Potentially motivates HCPs, updates their knowledge

Lack of flexibility in time, High cost


Courses for patients and their partners

The importance of planning for pregnancy and available contraception options for women with diabetes

Primary and secondary care services and pharmacies

Potentially motivates patients and their partners, they can ask questions

Lack of flexibility in time, High cost


Accessibility of contraception

Providing free condoms in health-care services (especially primary care centres)

Primary and secondary care services, dental clinics, women’s health clinics, NDSSc

Easily visible, encourages people to use contraception

High cost


Leaflets women and their partners’ awareness [49]

Importance of planning pregnancy and contraception uptake in women with diabetes

Primary and secondary care services, women’s health clinics and NDSSc

Minimises potential conflicts which could exist within the couples

High cost if mailed


Mass-media, community and interpersonal channels [50]

Benefits of IUD, wide range of available contraception options, importance of optimised diabetes management prior to pregnancy

Primary and secondary care services, pharmacies and women’s health clinics

Repetitions, accessible to the majority of population group

High cost, not usable/usable for CALD women


Web-based program including YouTube channel

The importance of planning for pregnancy and role of contraception, education of contraception options

The app will be addressed on leaflets, posters

Accessible anytime, pre-existed

Needs internet connection


Checklist software for HCPs

Contraception advice

The link will be available on leaflet and posters

Potentially motivates HCPs, updates their knowledge

High cost

Needs to articulate with existing software


  1. aHCPs: Health care professionals
  2. bIUD: intrauterine device
  3. cNDSS: National Diabetes Service Scheme [47]- An initiative of the Australian Government administered with the assistance of Diabetes Australia