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Table 2 Examples of strategies that could reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy

From: Determinants of adolescent pregnancy and access to reproductive and sexual health services for married and unmarried adolescents in rural Lao PDR: a qualitative study

Policy level

Ensure adolescent rights to sexual and reproductive health and access to information and services are protected in legislation and policy.

Reduce direct and indirect costs for adolescents to in accessing sexual and reproductive health services, including access to contraceptives.

Develop strategies to recruit young people, especially from ethnic backgrounds into sexual and reproductive health services.

Service provider level

Develop the cultural competence of healthcare staff and knowledge of adolescent needs with regards to sexual health.

Co-design sexual and reproductive health services with adolescents.

Develop confidence in healthcare staff to offer counselling and have confidential, non-judgmental discussions around sexual health with adolescents.

Individual and community level

Provide age-appropriate, gender-specific educational interventions, using traditional means of learning, for example, storytelling, providing opportunities for discussion and reflection.

Integrate life-skills training for adolescent with regard to sexual and reproductive health into formal and non-formal education for adolescents to build confidence and negotiating skills.

Engage community leaders and raise awareness with the community of the benefits of delaying pregnancy, staying at school and establishing strategies to help adolescents who are struggling to remain in school.

Support parents to discuss relationships and sexual health with adolescents.

Improve access to contraceptives at the community level.