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Table 3 Mapping of themes to the TDF domains and COM-B model

From: Enablers and barriers to physical activity in overweight and obese pregnant women: an analysis informed by the theoretical domains framework and COM-B model




- Fitness level prior to pregnancy

- House work as a form of PA

- Medical conditions and pregnancy symptoms (pain/energy/tiredness)

Knowledge (awareness of the existence of something: knowledge of condition)

Psychology capability

Knowledge or psychological skills, strength or stamina to engage in the necessary mental process

- Limited knowledge surrounding PA benefits, types of PA in pregnancy and PA resources

- Pregnant women discussed concerns around having that ‘conversation’

Knowledge (awareness of the existence of something: knowledge of condition)

Psychology capability

Knowledge or psychological skills, strength or stamina to engage in the necessary mental process

- Self- monitoring, use of pedometer/step count/phone apps

Behavioural regulation (managing or changes action – self monitoring)

- Women expressed interest in goal setting

Goalsa (mental representations of outcome or end states, that an individual wants to achieve)

- Pregnant woman’s situation (family life/children/work/pets)

- Financial situation

- Weather/ built environment and resources within the community

Environmental context and resources (persons situation or environment)

Physical Opportunity

Opportunity afforded by the environment involving time, resources, location, cues physical affordance

- Acknowledged support from family members, partner and friends

- Interaction with other pregnant women [PA classes] was mentioned

Social influences (Process that can change thoughts feelings or behaviours – social pressure)

Social opportunity

Opportunity afforded by interpersonal influences, social cues and cultural norms that influence the way we think

- ‘Every pregnant women is different’

- Differences in pregnancies

Social role and identity (set of behaviours and displayed personal qualities in a social or work setting)

Reflective Motivation

Reflective process involving plans (self-conscious intentions) and evaluations (beliefs about what is good and bad)

- Using pregnancy as an ‘excuse’

- Concern for health of the baby

- Feeling responsible

- Difficulty breaking habits/mind-set

Beliefs about capability (acceptance of the truth, reality or validity about an ability, perceived behavioural control,, self-esteem, confidence)

- Post-partum intentions (planning weight loss/healthy lifestyle)

Intentions (A conscious decision to perform a behaviour)

Reflective Motivation

Reflective process involving plans (self-conscious intentions) and evaluations (beliefs about what is good and bad)

- Feelings of worry, concern and guilt during pregnancy

- Fear based on previous pregnancy outcome/miscarriage

Emotion (complex reactions - fear, anxiety, affect, stress, depression, positive and negative effect, burn out)

Automatic Motivation

Automatic processes involving emotional reactions, desires(wants and needs) impulses inhibitions drive states and reflex responses

  1. aBehavioural regulation and goals were merged due to the overlapping construct of ‘action planning’
  2. TDF domain not identified: optimism, reinforcement and belief about consequences