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Table 2 Engagement with treatment assignment (n = 1689)

From: The effectiveness of an online intervention in preventing excessive gestational weight gain: the e-moms roc randomized controlled trial

Indicator of engagementa

Placebo control n = 563

Intervention n = 1126

Logged into study web site at least once, n (%)

473 (84.0)

946 (84.0)

Week of pregnancy of first login

11.8 (8.9, 15.4)

12.0 (8.6, 16.0)

Logged-in each 45 days of participation (adherent), n (%)

195 (34.6)

519 (46.1)

Number of days with access to website

199 (166, 220)

196 (161, 220)

Percent of access days with a login

3.2 (0.9, 6.7)

5.6 (0.2, 11.7)

Number of logins for treatmentb

6 (2, 14)

10 (2, 24)

Number of web page views

15 (2, 48)

24 (3,62)

Number of web page views of control content

15 (2, 48)

17 (3, 48)

Number of web page views of behavior change tool content

0 (0, 0)

6 (0, 14)

  1. aTable entries are median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) unless otherwise noted
  2. bThis excludes logins for questionnaire completion and other study administrative tasks