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Table 1 Analysis Framework

From: ‘I didn’t think you were allowed that, they didn’t mention that.’ A qualitative study exploring women’s perceptions of home birth

Analytic theme

Descriptive theme



Lack of knowledge about what home birth looked like

What does home birth look like?



- (Limited) Familiarity with concept of home birth

- Perceptions that homebirth may influence experience (i.e. potential offers a better experience, but home linked to negative associations if things ‘go wrong’)



- Uncertainty about the practicality, cost, consequences of home-birth



- Concerns about reduced postnatal care after a home birth

Expectation of birth in an OU

Assumption’ that they would give birth in an OU

OU ‘normal’

Cultural norms

- OU described as ‘normal’/‘usual’ place of birth

- Participants describe making decisions in reference to cultural norms



- Homebirth is an option rarely (or not) offered/discussed


OU perceived as safer than home

High Risk

OU safe

Managing emergencies

- Birth described as carrying significant risk

- OU described as safer option compared to home birth (minimizes risk)

- OU considered to have greater ability to respond to emergencies/provide specialist staff

Lack of confidence in the reliability of the maternity service

Confidence in service at time of birth


Concerns about ability of maternity services to provide

- safe birth at home


Concerns about ability of maternity service to be

- available for home birth when required


- Concerns about ability of maternity services to provide safe birth at home

- Concerns about ability of maternity service to be available for home birth when required

- Perceptions that maternity services are under-funded/under-resourced to provide appropriate level of care

Continuity in care


- Concerns that would not receive adequate aftercare (including breastfeeding support)

Perceptions of birth as a ‘natural’ event

Perceptions of ‘Natural Birth’


- Differing perceptions/meanings related to ‘natural’ birth linked to level of intervention


- Differing perceptions/meanings related to ‘natural’ birth linked to place (hospital vs home)

Medical technology

- Differing perceptions on the role of medical technology in having a natural birth (safe/clean vs intrusive)

Sources of information for women

Sources of information for women


- Mode of information - Information from people valued more than information leaflets


- Role of informants matters (having professionals experience of home birth and ‘like minded’ people are seen as credible)


- Influence of formal routes (hospital antenatal classes, hospital tours)



- Role of family, friends in providing information

- Home birth not prioritized

The role of health care professionals

The role of health care professionals


- Role of Health professionals – seen as credible source of information


- HPs described as consciously and unconsciously controlling (restricting) information about place of birth


- HPs seen as explicitly and implicitly influencing decision-making (skewed to OU as place of birth)

Women’s responses to the offer of choice

Perception of choice

Choice – realities

- Preferred choices not always available (e.g. alternative options not given, or unable to be delivered in practice)

Choice – acceptance

- Extent to which lack of choice is perceived by women to be acceptable (e.g. most women accepting of limited choice)

Choice- skills

- Exerting choice for home birth requiring special skill sets e.g. ‘confidence’ and ‘motivation’

Response to choice


- Choice experienced as a responsibility (unwanted by many)


Rights to choose

- Choice sometimes needs to ‘fought’ for if it does not align to ‘usual’ routes



- Lack of support experienced for choices made (from family, health professionals)