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Table 4 Enablers and Barriers for women with GDM to monitor their CBG concentration

From: Enablers and barriers for women with gestational diabetes mellitus to achieve optimal glycaemic control – a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework

Domains and Definitions




Refers to a woman knowing her glycaemic targets and procedural knowledge of how to test accurately

Glycaemic targets on:

- sticker on the recording booklet

- post-it notes on work computer

- mobile phone notebook

- visual step-by-step pamphlet

- list how to perform CBG testing

- different glycaemic targets to previous pregnancy

- unable to read the ‘how to do it list’ in first language

- no visual images of how to perform CBG testing


Refers to a woman’s ability to perform the CBG testing, working the glucometer correctly and documenting results and completing a food diary

Techniques for CBG flow:

- alternating warm fingers & hands

- not using soap

- pricking on side of finger pads

Food diary documenting

- no apps available for recording CBG results

- food diary writing space too small

- food diary not in first language

- not knowing how to go back on glucometer

Beliefs about capabilities

Refers to a woman’s beliefs about her capability to perform, control and monitor her CBG concentration

- can-do attitude

- perceived control of GDM

- in control of CBG testing

- capable of interpreting CBG results and adjusting food intake

- can’t-do it attitude, too difficult

- belief that it is not necessary to test regularly

- perceived lack of control

Beliefs about consequences

Refers to a woman’s expectations about optimal CBG control

Anticipated positive consequences:

- adhering to glycaemic targets will control GDM

- secure healthy future for the baby

- baby will be a normal size

- belief future health will be better

- belief family health will be better

Anticipated negative consequences:

- fingerpicks damage finger pads, too difficult to play the piano or guitar

- testing and controlling CBG did not work last time

Memory, attention, and decision process

Refers to a woman’s ability to remember when and decide where, to perform CBG testing

- mobile phone alarm reminder

- setting timer on microwave

- dedicated bag ready access to glucose testing equipment

- able to decide where to do CBG testing

- forgetful

- no reminder plan in place

- unable to think outside the square

- concern for doing CBG testing outside the home

Environmental context and resources

Refers to a woman’s access to equipment and to a health professional when unsure about results

- free resources for CBG testing

- phone access to diabetes midwife

- booklet fits into glucometer bag

- pharmacist teaching CBG testing

- group teaching sessions for learning CBG testing

- costs of resources needed for CBG testing

- no phone access to diabetes health professionals

- booklet too big for glucometer bag

- health professional not believing results

Social influences

Refers to a woman’s social interactions for CBG monitoring and maintaining optimal CBG control

- supportive and engaged social interactions

- do it wherever, no concern

- work colleagues remind them

- provide healthy food at work

- social pressure and loss of choice

- worried about performing CBG testing in public, being judged

- being told to leave restaurant for CBG testing

- work demands, meetings, unable to stop work for CBG testing


Refers to a woman’s reaction/feelings to monitoring and maintaining her CBG concentrations

- privilege to have been diagnosed

- enabled learning a new skill that directed positive lifestyle changes

- fun doing everyone’s CBG level

- not as painful as anticipated

- anxiety, scared, needle phobia

- stress to remember doing CBG testing,

- feeling guilty when forgotten

- focus on numbers not the woman

- not enjoying reading

Behavioural regulation

Refers to a woman’s focus on self-monitoring effectively and planning how to incorporate this into her daily life

- action plan to monitor CBG

- motivated by the baby to monitor CBG regularly

- documenting honestly

- sharing on social media glycaemic target achievements