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Table 1 Studies Included in Scoping Review

From: Lack of controlled studies investigating the risk of postpartum haemorrhage in cesarean delivery after prior use of oxytocin: a scoping review


Study & Country

Study type

Intervention (I1) & Control (I2)

Time point of drug application


Follow-up & beginning and end of study

Week of gestation

(mean ± SD)




(mean ± SD;

median [range])


Comparative dose-response studies

Balki 2006 [26]



“the dose of oxytocin for each patient was determined by the response of the previous patient (±0,5 IU) to the drug, according to a biased coin up- and-down sequential allocation scheme to cluster doses close to the minimum effective dose (ED90)”a

“immediately upon delivery of the anterior shoulder of the infant”

39.9 ± 1.1

total: 30

32.7 ± 4.4

CS for labour arrest

“augmentation with iv oxytocin for a minimum of 2 h”

48 h


Lavoie 2015 [27]



“dose-response study using a 9:1 biased-coin sequential allocation method to estimate the ED90 of an infusion of prophylactic oxytocin in women undergoing CS with neuraxial anesthesia. The starting infusion rate was 18 IU/h, with an incremental dose of 2 IU/h.”

“immediately after the umbilical cord was clamped”

I1: 40 (40–41)

I2: 39 (39–39)

I1: 32

I2: 38

I1: 33 (28–35)

I2: 33 (31–36)

I1:“labouring group: women scheduled for intrapartum CS after prior exposure to exogenous oxytocin”b

I2:“non-labouring group: women scheduled for CS”

24 h


Different Oxytocin doses

Munn 2001 [28]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, 30 min

I2: Oxytocin 80 IU, iv, 30 min

+prn Oxytocin for labour induction;c after delivery in the postanesthesia care unit, all patients received oxytocin, 20 IU, iv, 8 h

“after cord clamping”

I1: 37 ± 4.3

I2: 37 ± 4.9

I1: 163

I2: 158

I1: 25 ± 6.0

I2: 25 ± 6.1

labour before CSd

1 day


Ayedi 2011 [55]



I1: Oxytocin 2 IU (in 5 ml volume), iv, single-dose, 5–10 s

I2: Oxytocin 5 IU (in 5 ml volume), iv, single-dose, 5–10 s

+prn uterotonics

“after delivery of the baby and cord clamping”


total: 60

Chou 2015 [56]



I1: Oxytocin 40 IU (in 500 ml NaCl), iv, over 6 h

I2: Oxytocin 80 IU (in 500 ml NaCl), iv, over 6 h

+all P. were given an oxytocin bolus of 5 IU




Khan 2012 [32]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU (in 500 ml NaCl), iv, over 1 h

I2: Oxytocin 20 IU (in 500 ml NaCl), iv, over 1 h

+prn uterotonics

total: 200


24 h

study duration: 6 mos

Kintu 2012 [54]



I1: Oxytocin 2.5 IU, no further information

I2: Oxytocin 10 IU, no further information

+prn uterotonics

“following cord clamping”

total: 380

emergency and elective

24 h


Lee 2014 [48]




I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv Infusion was continued until P. transfer to the recovery room

I2: Oxytocin 30 IU, iv, over 1 h

“following cord clamping”

I1: 483

I2: 418

I1: 32 ± 6

I2: 33 ± 6


I1: 09/08–11/08

I2: 11/08–01/09

Pursche 2012 [42]




I1: Oxytocin 3 IU, iv, single-dose + continuously 3 IU oxytocin, iv, infusion rate 100 ml/h

I2: Oxytocin continuously 3 IU oxytocin, iv, infusion rate at least 120 ml/h


I1: 37.9

I2: 37.9

I1: 228

I2: 227

elective (n = 71) and during labour (n = 384)e

4 h


McClune 2011 [44]




Different doses oxytocin, not administered uniformlyf

+ prn uterotonics

“given at cord clamping”

total: 50



Application schema

Mangla 2012 [59]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv

I2: Oxytocin 5 IU, imy

I3: Oxytocin 5 IU, imy

No information about additional uterotonics

I1 + I2: “after separation of placenta”

I3: “before separation of placenta”

I1: 50

I2: 50

I3: 50

1 h


Oxytocin vs other uterotonics time-dependent

Adefuye 2012 [50]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv

I2: Misoprostol 2 × 400 μg, sublingual

+prn uterotonics intraop

I1: “after delivery”

I2: “before delivery”

I1: 38.0 ± 0.2

I2: 38.1 ± 0.3

I1: 50

I2: 50

I1: 28.7 ± 0.7

I2: 29.9 ± 0.8

elective (28%) and emergency (72%)g

24 h


Chaudhuri 2010 [60]



I1: Oxytocin 8 × 5 IU, iv + placebo, rectal

I2: Misoprostol 4 × 200 μg, rectal + 8 placebo, iv

+prn uterotonics

I1: “after delivery”

I2: “before incision”

I1: 39.2 ± 1.4

I2: 39.5 ± 1.7

I1: 100

I2: 100

I1: 24.3 ± 5.0

I2: 24.0 ± 3.4

elective and emergencyh

without risk factors for PPH

24 h


Oxytocin vs placebo

King 2010 [49]



I1: Oxytocin 5 IU, iv, über 30 s, single-dose

I2: Placebo NaCl, iv, 30 s, single-dose

+routinely oxytocin (40 IU, iv, 30 min) followed by oxytocin (20 IU) immediately after study drug

+prn uterotonics

“as soon as the umbilical cord was clamped”

I1: 37.0 ± 3.0

I2: 38.0 ± 2.0

I1: 75

I2: 75

I1: 34 ± 5

I2: 34 ± 6

elective (n = 76) and non-elective (n = 67)

at least one risk factor for PPH

24 h


Oxytocin vs other uterotonics

Attilakos 2010 [34]



I1: Oxytocin 5 IU, iv, 30–60 s

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, 30–60 s

+prn uterotonics (Oxytocin for PPH prophylaxis or treatment)

“after the birth of the baby”


I1: 189

I2: 188

I1: 32 (18–44)

I2: 32 (18–42)

elective (60%) and emergency (40%)

1/3 showed risk factors for PPH

until discharged


Borruto 2009 [35]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, 2 h

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, single-dose

+prn uterotonics

“immediately following placental delivery”


I1: 52

I2: 52

32.2 (22–41)

planned and emergencyi

at least one risk factor for PPH

24 h


Catanzarite 1990 [47]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, imy

I2: Carboprost tromethamine 125 μg, imy

+routinely oxytocin (20 IU, iv) after placental delivery

“immediately following placental delivery”

I1: 21

I2: 25

I1: 24.5

I2: 24.1

planned and emergencyj

3 days


Chaudhuri 2014 [33]



I1: Oxytocin 8 × 5 IU, iv, 12 h + placebo rectal

I2: Misoprostol 4 × 200 μg, rectal + placebo iv, 12 h

+routinely oxytocin, not later than 1 min after delivery

“at the end of the operation”

I1: 38.8 ± 1.2

I2: 39.0 ± 1.1

I1: 96

I2: 96

I1: 23.2 ± 3.7

I2: 23.5 ± 4.5


without risk factor for PPH

24 h


Lapaire 2006 [36]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv, 8 h + placebo oral

I2: Misoprostol 800 μg, oral + placebo iv, 8 h

+routinely oxytocin (5 IU, iv) after cord clamping

“immediately after cord clamping”

I1: 38.7 ± 1.3

I2: 38.6 ± 1.3

I1: 28

I2: 28

I1: 31.2 ± 5.1

I2: 32.2 ± 6.5

elective and indicatedk

low risk for PPH

48 h


Lokugamage 2001 [37]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, single-dose + placebo, oral

I2: Misoprostol 500 μg, oral + placebo iv, single-dose

+prn uterotonics

“immediately after the delivery of the baby”

I1: 38.3 ± 1.1

I2: 36.7 ± 8.9

I1: 20

I2: 20

I1: 31.4 ± 5.5

I2: 32.3 ± 6.4

elective (n = 38) and emergency (n = 2)

excluded: previous rupture of the uterus

3 days


Owonikoko 2011 [51]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv

I2: Misoprostol 400 μg, sublingual

+prn Oxytocin iv

“immediately after extraction of the baby”

I1: 39.7 ± 1.9

I2: 38.7 ± 2.3

I1: 50

I2: 50

I1: 30.4 ± 4.8

I2: 31.5 ± 4.1

elective (35%)l and emergency (65%)m

24 h


Razali 2016 [30]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, single-dose

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, single-dose

+prn uterotonics

“after delivery”

“at term”

I1: 300

I2: 300

I1: 29.7 ± 4.3

I2: 29.5 ± 4.6


24 h


Vimala 2006 [61]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv, 6 h

I2: Mis

+prn uterotonics

“immediatiely after delivery of the neonate”

I1: 38.7 ± 1.1

I2: 38.7 ± 1.2

I1: 50

I2: 50

I1: 26.3 ± 3.7

I2: 25.6 ± 5.1

elective (17%) and emergency (83%)o

without risk factors for PPH

24 h


El Behery 2016 [29]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU, iv

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, 2 min

+prn uterotonics

“after delivery of the infant preferably before placental removal”

I1: 38.2 ± 0.8

I2: 38.2 ± 1.2

I1: 90

I2: 90

I1: n = 90

I2: n = 90


24 h


Whigham 2016 [31]



I1: Oxytocin 5 IU, iv

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv

+prn uterotonics

“immediately after birth of the baby”

I1: 40.0 ± 1.4

I2: 39.6 ± 1.5

I1: 53

I2: 59

I1: 28.9 ± 5.8

I2: 28.3 ± 5.9

non-elective and emergencyp



Alli 2013 [53]



I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, single-dose

I2: Misoprostol 600 μg, sublingual

+prn uterotonics

“immediately after delivery of the baby”

total: 100

Begum 2015 [57]



I1: Oxytocin 20 IU (in 100 ml Dextrose NaCl), iv

I2: Misoprostol 400 μg, sublingual

+prn uterotonics

“soon after delivery”

“term pregnancy”

total: 100

Pizzagalli 2015 [41]




I1: Oxytocin 5 IU iv, followed by 10 IU iv during surgery, further infusions 10 IU 8 h postop

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg iv

I3: Oxytocin 5 IU iv, followed by 10 IU iv during surgery, further infusions 10 IU 8 h + Sulprostone

“during cord clamping”


I1: 282

I2: 262

I3: 258

CS before labour (n = 283) and unclear indication (n = 519)

24 h

I1: 07/10–12/10

I2: 02/11–12/11

I3: 08/11–01/12

Triopon 2010 [62]




I1: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv

I2: Oxytocin 5 IU, iv

“after cord clamping”

I1: 38.2 ± 3.0

I2: 37.9 ± 3.2

I1: 155

I2: 155

I1: 30.6 ± 5.3

I2: 30.7 ± 5.4

elective and during labour

24 h

I1: 04/09–07/09

I2: 03/07–06/07

Demetz 2013 [46]




I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, single-doseq

+3 h after delivery: 10 IU Oxytocin iv over 12 h

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, single-dose

+3 h after delivery: 10 IU Oxytocin iv over 12 h

“at the delivery”

I1: 35.5 ± 2.5

I2: 34.3 ± 3.1

I1: 24

I2: 39

I1: 31.6 ± 4.3

I2: 31.1 ± 5.8

planned (n = 31) and unclear (n = 32)

48 h

I1: 08/09–01/10

I2: 02/10–07/10

Testa 2013 [45]




I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, iv, 2 h

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv, single-dose

I1: 14

I2: 14

planned and emergency

24 h after drug application


Brzozowska 2015 [63]




I1: Oxytocin 10 IU, im

I2: Carbetocin 100 μg, iv

+prn uterotonics

I1: 38.3 ± 1.9

I2: 38.1 ± 1.9

I1: 140

I2: 139

I1: 30.5 ± 4.6

I2: 31.5 ± 5.1



Combination therapy

Koen 2016 [52]

South Africa


I1: Oxytocin 2,5 IU, iv, single-dose + placebo im

I2: Oxytocin + Ergometrine Placebo iv + Oxytocin 5 IU, im + Ergometrine 0.5 mg, im

+routinely 10 IU Oxytocin

“after delivery of the neonate”

I1: 38.4 ± 2.2

I2: 38.5 ± 1.9

I1: 214

I2: 202

I1: 28.6 ± 6.0

I2: 28.9 ± 5.4

elective (36%) and emergency (64%)r

6–24 h


Mahmud 2014 [58]




I1: Oxytocin 10 IU iv

I2: Oxytocin 10 IU iv + Ergometrine 0,25 mg im


I1: 37.5 ± 2.0

I2: 38.0 ± 1.8

I1: 378

I2: 323

I1: 28.0 ± 3.5

I2: 29.0 ± 3.4

elective and emergency

6 h

I1: 11/10–12/10

I2: 01/11–02/11

Bayoumeu 2003 [38]




I1: Oxytocin 5 IU iv (single dose), 10 IU iv 30 min, afterwards 25 IU iv 24 h

I2: Oxytocin 5 IU iv (single dose), 10 IU iv 30 min, afterwards 25 IU iv 24 h + Dinoprost/Sulprostone

“after clamping the last umbilical cord”

I1: 32.0 ± 2.7

I2: 32.8 ± 1.7

I1: 14

I2: 28

I1: 29.1 ± 3.2

I2: 30.2 ± 3.3

elective and emergency

48 h

I1: 01/93–11/96

I2: 12/96–12/00

Lourens 2007 [40]




I1: Oxytocin 5 IU iv, single-dose

I2: Oxytocin 5 IU iv, single-dose + Ergometrine 0.5 mg im

Oxytocin: “after delivery”

Ergometrine: “during abdominal closure”

I1: 38.0 ± 1.0

I2: 38.0 ± 1.0

I1: 158

I2: 107

elective (n = 120) and emergency (n = 145)


I1: 02/06–03/06

I2: 04/06–06/06

  1. aThe dose of oxytocin for each woman was determined by the response of the previous woman to the drug, (…). If a woman did not respond adequately to the initial bolus of oxytocin, the initial dose for the next one was increased by 0.5 IU. If the woman responded to the initial bolus, the dose for the next one was decreased by 0.5 IU with a probability of 1/9; otherwise it remained unchanged. (…) . The starting dose of oxytocin was arbitrarily chosen as 0.5 IU
  2. bCS due to labour dystocia, defined as arrest of dilation in first stage of labour or arrest of descent in second stage of labour
  3. cResults were not reported separately for women with or without prepartal oxytocin administration
  4. dLabour was defined as at least two contractions in 10 min and either an initial cervical dilation of at least 2 cm or progressive cervical change. Indications: non-reassuring FHR tracing (58%), arrest of labour (75%), abnormal lie (44%), other reasons (24%)
  5. eCardiotocography abnormalities (92), breech presentation (67), macrosomia (19), preeclampsie/HELLP (14), state after recesarean (22), twins/triplets (24/2), obstructed labour (29), fetal abnormalities/disease (22), maternale disease (54), placenta praevia/ bleeding (21)
  6. fInitial bolus dose of oxytocin given at cord clamping and any subsequent bolus doses were recorded along with the concentration and rate of the maintenance oxytocin infusion if used and any other uterotonic drugs
  7. gIndications: severe pregnancy induced hypertension/hypertensive disorders (20), uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (1), precious baby (bad obstetric history/pregnancy after infertility treatment) (2), fetal distress (33), abnormal lie (transverse/oblique lie) (3), malpresentation (face/brow) (5), dystocia (foeto-pelvic disproportion/occipito-posterior/transverse arrest) (23), macrosomia (3), breech (6), prolonged pregnancy (4)
  8. hIndications: previous cs (51), prolonged pregnancy (failed induction) (23), malpresentation (10), preeclampsie (11), PROM (9), cephalopelvic disproportion (14), fetal distress (27), non-progress of labour (19), poor obstetric history (6), IUGR/oligohydramnios (7), elderly primigravida/infertility treated (13)
  9. iIndications: previous cs (28), abnormal presentation (24), dystocia (18), FHR anomalies (16), umbilical cord prolapse (2), feto-pelvic disproportion (2), IUGR (2), fetal megalosomy (2), abruptio placentae (2), placenta previa (2), maternal disease (2), failed induction of labour (2), maternal request (2)
  10. jIndications: elective, prior to labour (35), early labour (7), cephalopelvic disproportion (4)
  11. kIndications: elective cs or breech presentation (31), malposition (1), twin pregnancy (1), repeated cs (5), ineffective induction of labour (2), ineffective induction of labour and infection (1), failure of labour to progress (1), hip dysplasia (1), IUGR (2), ankylosing spondylitis (1), macrosomia (2), placenta previa (2), Increased pressure not indicated (retinal disease, colposuspension) (3)
  12. lIndication for elective cs: maternal, medical condition (HIV, herpes) (4), two previous cs (9), malpresentation (transverse lie, breech in primigravidae etc.) (6), maternal request for cs (4), fetal macrosomia (12)
  13. mIndication for emergency: fetal distress (14), cephalopelvic disproportion (9), malpresentation in labour (9), failed vaginal birth after cs (20), failed induction of labour (4), severe oligohydramnios (9)
  14. nIndication for emergency: defined as an unplanned procedure performed after the start of labour and labour as regular contractions at least every 10 min and cervical dilatation >3 cm; non reassuring fetal status (267), failure to progress in labour (189), malpresentation (34), prolonged second stage (15), other reasons (42)
  15. oIndication: fetal breech presentation (14), cephalopelvic disproportion (10), nonprogress of labour (16), meconium stained liquor (25), fetal variable decelerations (20), scar tenderness (2), transverse lie (3), Type II decelerations (5), prolonged latent phase (2), previous lower segment cs with unfavorable cervix(3)
  16. pWomen with planned labour induction, were in early labour or were in active labour but had an epidural anaesthetic. Results were not reported separately for women with or without prepartal oxytocin administration
  17. qIn case of PPH, French national guidelines were applied
  18. rIndications: previous CS (188), fetal distress (87), cephalopelvic disproportion (41), poor progress (30), failed induction of labour (14), breech (14), twins (11), other reasons (24)
  19. CS: cesarean section; dl: decilitre; ED: effective dose; FHR: fetal heart rate; g: gram; GA: gestational age; h: hours; I1: intervention; I2: control intervention; im: intramuscular; imy: intramyometrial; intraop: intraoperatively; IUGR: intrauterine growth retardation; IU: international units; iv: intravenous; mg: milligram; min: minutes; ml: milliliter; mU: milliunit; n: number; NaCl: saline; non-RCT: non-randomized controlled trial; P: participants; postop: postoperatively; PPH: postpartum hemorrhage; prn: pro re nata; PROM: premature rupture of membranes; RCT: randomized controlled trial; s: seconds; SE: standard error; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States; μg: microgram; vs: versus