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Table 1 Framework for analysis used to identify type of delay for maternal deaths

From: Factors associated with maternal mortality in Malawi: application of the three delays model

Delay 1 – Decision to seek care

Delay 2 – Reaching care

Delay 3 – Receiving care

Low status (woman not financially independent or husband not available)

No healthcare facility in the area. (takes more than one hour to reach healthcare facility)

Long waiting time before treatment was received (more than 30 min from the time of arrival to time of being assessed or receiving treatment)

Lack of awareness of obstetric complications

Long travel time from home to a healthcare facility (more than an hour)

Shortage of equipment and supplies

Nearest healthcare facility is more than 1 km away

Cost of transportation

Wrong assessment of risk, wrong diagnosis, wrong treatment

Uneventful previous home delivery

Poor road condition or terrain

Shortage of healthcare providers

The family has insufficient money

Visited a traditional healer or traditional birth attendant first

Lack of competence or skills among the available healthcare providers

Poor experience of previous health care received at a healthcare facility


Healthcare provider unavailable

Perceived poor quality of care at a the healthcare facility


Inadequate referral system, (ambulances not available, no fuel, breakdown and use of public transport)

Avoiding admission and long stay (more than two days) at a healthcare facility


Lack of treatment guidelines e.g. Pre-eclampsia, PPH, manual removal of placenta etc