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Table 1 Sample of items for each Non-Technical Skill (NTS) of the MINTS-DR. Only the positive behavioural markers are reported. Some NTS cells are empty because they were not relevant for the specific profession and/or were not reported in literature

From: Adaptation of non-technical skills behavioural markers for delivery room simulation


Professional category





Healthcare assistants

 Situation awareness

Requires further resources before they are urgently needed

When clinical conditions change, increases the rate of controls

Activities are controlled and performed according to a priority order

Quickly and properly responds to requests

Quickly reacts to urgent situations

 Decision making

The therapeutic options are declared and discussed with the team

Decides the course of actions, comparing the decision with the colleagues

When she makes a decision, declares it and then accomplishes it



 Task management

If the clinical situation changes, reviews the plan of actions

Priorities are defined with the team

Tools and environment are carefully organized

Remains calm even if there is tension in the delivery room

The team adapts to changing situations

 Teamwork and cooperation

Begins to operate after checking the availability of tools with the team

Defines the roles among the team before beginning a task

Takes into account and supports other team members’ requests

Provides help and assistance to the others

Roles and responsibilities are clear and rapidly defined


The plan of action is explained and shared with the team

Talks in a clear, simple and comprehensible way

Requests are direct, motivated and explicit

Listens to the patient’s and family’s requests

Those who get an order confirm the reception


When under pressure remains calm and looks for a solution

If an anesthesiological problem occurs, gets control of the situation


