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Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample of survey respondents

From: Pregnant women’s preferences for and concerns about preterm birth prevention: a cross-sectional survey


Response, n (%)a

Pregnant Women’s Characteristics

Age (years), mean ± SD

30.9 (5.4)

Gestational age (weeks), median (interquartile range)

32.0 (26.7, 35.7)

European/White-Caucasian (self-reported)

252 (82.1)

Married or in a common-law relationship

292 (94.5)


 Secondary school or less

48 (15.5)

 Post-secondary school

262 (84.5)

Current smokers

23 (7.4)

Obstetric History

Prior miscarriage

28 (14.7)

Prior full-term birth (≥37 weeks)

150 (48.5)

Prior preterm birth (<37 weeks)

25 (13.2)

 Received progesterone

2 (8.0)

 Advised to rest in bed (bedrest)

1 (4.0)

Current Pregnancy Characteristics

First-time pregnancy

119 (38.5)

Told by healthcare provider that they were at increased risk for preterm birth

13 (4.2)

 Received ultrasound

10 (76.9)

 Received ultrasound + progesterone

1 (7.7)

  1. a N = 311 respondents completed the survey