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Table 6 Predictors of ANC providers discussing the importance of oral health with pregnant women and advising women to visit dentists during early pregnancy

From: What do antenatal care providers understand and do about oral health care during pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey in New South Wales, Australia

Predictors of ANC providers discussing importance of oral health with pregnant women

Predictors of ANC providers advising women to visit dentists during early pregnancy

Years of experience

Odds Ratio (95% CI)

 Years of experience

Odds Ratio (95% CI)

 <=10 yrs vs >20 yrs

2.617 (1.600, 4.280)†

 <=10 yrs vs >20 yrs

3.554 (2.160, 5.842) †

 <=10 yrs vs 11–20 yrs

1.259 (0.719, 2.197)

 <=10 yrs vs 11–20 yrs

2.098 (1.201, 3.666) †

Received formal education / training on oral health during pregnancy

3.518 (1.246, 9.924) †

Has information / brochures on oral health during pregnancy

4.536 (2.593, 7.933) †

Has information / brochures on oral health during pregnancy

3.047 (1.740, 5.333) †

Knowledge < 75% correct responses

2.387 (1.543, 3.691) †

Nagelkerke R-squared


Nagelkerke R-squared


Pearson goodness-of-fit

16df (p = 0.693)

Pearson goodness-of-fit

18df (p = 0.789)

Test of parallel lines

4df (p = 0.900)

Test of parallel lines

4df (p = 0.745)

  1. †P < 0.05