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Table 2 List of standard for management of foetal distress

From: Criteria-based audit to improve quality of care of foetal distress: standardising obstetric care at a national referral hospital in a low resource setting, Tanzania

Fulfilment of criteria for management should include ALL of the following:

Standard management guidelines

 1. Intravenous rehydration (≥1 l of crystalloids)

 2. Repositioning of the mother to lateral lying position

 3. Review by a senior specialist (at least once during the process of labour to delivery, either by him/herself, by phone or during major/service ward round)

Standard preoperative management

 1. Drained urinary bladder (with indwelling urethral catheter)

 2. Blood-typing and cross-matching

 3. Administration of antibiotics (broad spectrum)

 4. Sought patient’s informed consent

 5. Pre-operation checklist used (verify the pre-operative protocol and timelines of intervention from decision to arrival in theatre)

 6. Caesarean section should commence ≤1 h after decision (Decision to theatre arrival interval ≤30 min and theatre arrival to delivery interval ≤30 min)