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Table 1 Gestational weight gain goal setting interview guide domains and question examples

From: A qualitative study of gestational weight gain goal setting


Question Examples

Diet related to pregnancy

How have you changed your diet since you found out that you are pregnant? Why have you made these changes?

What makes it hard for you to eat the way you would like to be eating?

Physical activity related to pregnancy

What impact does your exercise have on your baby?

What concerns do you have about risks related to exercising during pregnancy?

Gestational weight gain (GWG)

How important do you think the amount of weight you gain during pregnancy is for the health of your pregnancy?

How much do you worry about your pregnancy weight gain?

Weight gain goal

What is your weight gain goal?

How did you decide on this goal? Is this something you decided upon on your own or in consultation with your OB or someone else?

Patient-Clinician Conversations

Has your OB discussed weight gain during pregnancy with you? How and when did s/he raise the topic?

During the course of this pregnancy, have any of your OB providers told you whether you are gaining about the right amount, too much, or too little?

Information sources

Where have you heard information about weight gain during pregnancy? How much do you trust this source?

Weight control behavior

How much control do you feel that have over how much weight you gain during pregnancy? What factors make you feel that you are not in control?

Are you actively trying to influence the amount of weight you gain during your pregnancy? What are you doing to influence your weight gain?

Tools and resources for GWG management

Imagine that you were gaining too much weight during your pregnancy. What do you think would be most helpful for you to help you get back on track?

How would you feel about seeing a graph of your weight gain during pregnancy? Who would you like to get this graph from, your doctor, nurse, midwife, or someone else?

Have you used pregnancy-related applications on your smart phone? Which ones? What do you like about them? What do you use the apps for?