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Table 1 Summary of the three CMO configurations

From: Reducing repeat pregnancies in adolescence: applying realist principles as part of a mixed-methods systematic review to explore what works, for whom, how and under what circumstances






Individual Experiences

Age, Culture, Past Experiences

Family, peer and community influences, Personal circumstances and Past/current relationships


Taking control triggered through self-efficacy & perceived risks, susceptibility and benefits of pregnancy


If the adolescent views pregnancy as a likely negative outcome, with severe consequences and little benefit, they will take control of perceived barriers overcoming them to protect themselves against pregnancy.

Barriers and Facilitators

Developmental stage and age, Knowledge of services, contraception availability

Contraception preferences, Issues of access, Incentives, crèche facilities, and transport


Tailoring triggered through connectedness, support and self-determination


Tailoring interventions so they are relevant to a young person may result in a greater potential for connectedness with the intervention and the issue of teenage pregnancy itself, providing a notion of support and triggering self-determination. Feeling connected and supported can help an adolescent feel their life choices are being encouraged. A supportive professional delivering the intervention, the group itself or family members can help to verbalise and confirm a mother’s skills, and help them to develop strategies and plans to change their attitudes and behaviour.

Motherhood versus Other Goals

Thoughts and feelings about motherhood, Emphasis placed on motherhood, How do adolescents plan or view the future, Engagement with school or a vocation


Motivations triggered by self-esteem, self-efficacy & empowerment


Motivations (conscious or unconscious) could lead the adolescent to manage their expectations of motherhood and take control of sexual encounters resulting in consistent use of contraception, if they feel there are other goals or opportunities available outside of motherhood to achieve success.