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Table 4 Consequences of faecal incontinence after childbirth

From: The social, psychological, emotional morbidity and adjustment techniques for women with anal incontinence following Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury: use of a word picture to identify a hidden syndrome


80 (99 %)

Social restriction

80 (99 %)

Embarrassment about flatus incontinence

78 (96 %)

Leisure compromise

77 (95 %)

Feeling unclean

77 (95 %)

Difficulty coping

75 (93 %)

Travelling difficulty

73 (90 %)

Feeling ashamed

68 (84 %)

Loss of dignity

68 (84 %)

Feeling degraded

68 (84 %)

Leakage of waste during exercise

68 (84 %)

Loss of confidence

68 (84 %)

Compromised motherhood

60 (74 %)

Feeling low

49 (60 %)

Feeling isolated

43 (54 %)

Anxiety about having another baby

40 (49 %)

Antidepressant medication

31 (37 %)

Fear of leaving the house because of incontinence

24 (30 %)


23 (28 %)

  1. Data from Case Studies n = 81