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Table 1 Eight MBCS behaviors with definitions

From: The relationship of prenatal maternal depression or anxiety to maternal caregiving behavior and infant behavior self-regulation during infant heel lance: an ethological time-based study of behavior



Coding Items

Typical maternal caregiving behavior

Atypical maternal caregiving behavior

Eye Gaze

Looking or seeking eye contact: Mother looking straight at baby’s face, or mother seeking eye contact with baby.

Looking away: Mother looking away from baby.

Engages baby and responsive to baby cues/actions.

Interactive, engages baby: Mother makes frequent attempts to interact/engage infant. Mother directly or indirectly responds to infant cues (baby crying, looking at or touching mother),

Minimal or no responsiveness to infant cues. Mother makes minimal, or no attempt to interact or to engage with the infant. Mother not responsive - may appear detached.

Embracing (positioning) of the baby

Mother embracing baby: Close, protective. Baby’s body is enclosed in mom’s embrace

No embracing or cradling. Baby laying in unsafe position. Mother does not appear to notice baby may fall off her lap.

Direction of mother’s attention

Attention directed to baby: Mother focuses attention on baby,

Attention not directed to baby. Mother seems self-absorbed, her attention is not directed to baby, to others, or to her environment.

Type and quality of facial expressions

Regular: Mother facial expression regular, smiling.

Not regular: Grimacing, crying quietly, crying excessively. Quality of facial expression is flat or mother appears disconnected or “checked out”


Comfortable: Mother appears comfortable or she says she is comfortable.

Not comfortable: Mother appears uncomfortable (eg., mother sighs, rolls eyes) or says she is uncomfortable.

General affect

Unbothered: Mother’s generally appears unbothered sad, or worried.

Bothered: Mother appears bothered, worried, sad, upset or very upset (distraught).


No such display: Mother does not appear anxious

Anxious: Mother bites nails, touches hair, repetitive nervous knee movement.

  1. MBCS definitions from Ethogram of Maternal Behavior Coding System [18]