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Table 2 characteristics of 24 neonates of women not in labour between 1.5 and 2.5 kg

From: Antenatal corticosteroid therapy for foetal maturation in women with eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia in a rural hospital in Western Tanzania

Number of neonates (womena)

Received ACT: 8 (7a)

Not received ACT: 16 (13a)


Median self-reported gestational age (months, interquartile-range)

8 (7–8)

8 (8–9)

0.31 (T-test)

Average weight (range)

2.1 kg (1.5–2.4 kg)

1.9 kg (1.5–2.5 kg)

0.50 (MW/Wilcoxon)

Median between admission-delivery (hours, interquartile-range)

144 (96–250)

22 (16–76)

<0.01 (MW/Wilcoxon)

Perinatal outcome

 Alive child at discharge

4 (50 %)

13 (81 %)

0.17 (Fisher)

 Perinatal death

4 (50 %)

3 (19 %)

 Intra-uterine death

2 (25 %)

1 (6,3 %)

  1. atwins: number of women, calculations are with foetuses