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Table 2 Approaches of the intervention

From: Lifestyle INtervention for Diabetes prevention After pregnancy (LINDA-Brasil): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial



Motivational interviews

An initial 30–40 min session informs baseline results; evaluates motivation and self-efficacy; and sets individual goals to establish an initial action plan. Additional sessions occur during pre-defined clinic visits.

Phone sessions

Phone sessions are the principal means of delivering the intervention. A minimal core curriculum will be covered, but the sequence and frequency of the sessions will be tailored to each participant’s needs. During weight loss, frequency may be weekly or bi-weekly, but in general, monthly sessions are planned for the first year.

SMS texting

Texting is used for reminders of exams and monitoring of weight and steps. With the progression of the intervention, when phone contacts are reduced in frequency, texting will be used to maintain motivation and adherence.

Group sessions (as needed)

Specific topics are addressed, focusing on aspects which most benefit from group interaction. Participants are invited to attend sessions as needed.

Social activities (optional)

These optional activities include culinary workshops and group walks.