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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study participants and clusters (N = 2466)

From: Effectiveness and safety of misoprostol distributed to antenatal women to prevent postpartum haemorrhage after child-births: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial


Control period N = 1430

Intervention period N = 1036

Individual level summary


Age in completed years (mean, sd)

24.6 (±5.7)

24.2 (±5.5)

 Below 20

261 (18.3 %)

221 (21.3 %)


548 (38.3 %)

400 (38.6 %)


409 (28.6 %)

278 (26.8 %)


101 (7.1 %)

76 (7.3 %)

 ≥ 35

111 (7.8 %)

61 (5.9 %)

Parity(mean, sd)

2.1 (2.0)

1.9 (1.9)


372 (26.0 %)

277 (26.7 %)


335 (23.4 %)

256 (24.7 %)


223 (15.6 %)

194 (18.7 %)


179 (12.5 %)

110 (10.6 %)


140 (9.8 %)

91 (8.8 %)


181 (12.7 %)

108 (10.4 %)

Gestational age at enrolment (mean, sd)

32.4 (3.4)

32.1 (3.3)

Antenatal Hb in g/dl (mean, sd)

11.40 (1.44)

11.65 (1.28)

Antenatal anaemia (Hb<11.0 g/dl)a

512 (36.1 %)

279 (27.4 %)

HIV positive

122 (8.5 %)

71 (6.9 %)

Cluster level summary


 Cluster size (mean, sd)

238 (166)

173 (169)

 Age in years (mean, sd)

24.5 (0.44)

24.5 (0.87)

 Years at school (mean, sd)

7.6 (0.60)

7.5 (0.75)

 Parity (mean, sd)

2.1 (0.23)

2.0 (0.44)

 Antenatal anaemia (Hb<11.0 g/dl)a (mean, sd)

36.7 (8.1)

30.7 (7.5)

 HIV positive (mean, sd)

8.2 (2.0)

6.3 (1.4)

  1. Hb Haemoglobin, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, sd standard deviation
  2. aData on antenatal anaemia available for 1427 women in the control group and 1019 in the intervention group