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Table 2 Clinical data of the studied group

From: The cervix as a natural tamponade in postpartum hemorrhage caused by placenta previa and placenta previa accreta: a prospective study


Number (%) (n=40)

Mean ± SD

P value



Placenta accreta

29 (72.5 %)


Placenta previa major anterior

6 (15 %)


Placenta previa major posterior

5 (12.5 %)


Inverted cervical lip


Both lips inverted

25 (62.5 %)


Anterior lip inverted

10 (25 %)


Posterior lip inverted

5 (12.5 %)


Time required to perform the technique of cervical inversion (min)


5.4 ± 0.6 (range:4.3–7.1 min)


Hysterectomy needed

2 cases (5 %)


Intra-operative blood loss (mL)


1572.5 ± 390.2


Pre-operative hemoglobin (gm/dl)


10.8 ± 0.23


Post-operative hemoglobin (gm/dl)


9.3 ± 0.22

**< .0001

No. of blood units transfused


3.1 ± 0.6


Post-operative hospital stay (days)


3.5 ± 0.6




Bladder injury

2 (5 %)


Wound infection

1(2.5 %)


Postoperative fever

1 (2.5 %)


Speculum examination 3 monthsa

35 cases (87.5 %)


Normal cervix

33/35 (94.2 %)


Displaced cervix

2/35 (5.8 %)

  1. aPercentages worked on less numbers from the overall as 35 cases only attended their three months follow up appointment.
  2. **P value for the difference between the mean pre-operative hemoglobin and the mean post-operative hemoglobin