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Table 1 Abnormal CTG trace eligible for further evaluation by fetal scalp blood sampling

From: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of fetal scalp blood lactate measurement to reduce caesarean sections during labour: the Flamingo trial [ACTRN12611000172909]

Consistent with hospital, national and international guidelines [14, 16, 39] an abnormal CTG trace eligible for further evaluation by FBS is defined as:

One or more of

Baseline FHR <100 beats per minute (bpm) or >170 bpm

Variability absent or <3 bpm

Prolonged deceleration (>90s and <5 min)

Late decelerations

Complicated variable decelerations

Both of

Baseline FHR between 100-109 or 161-170

Baseline FHR variability 3-5 bpm for > 40 mins