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Table 3 Benefits and concerns of US Scan; women interviewed before US scan

From: “You cannot know if it’s a baby or not a baby”: uptake, provision and perceptions of antenatal care and routine antenatal ultrasound scanning in rural Kenya

Mothers’ views of benefits and concerns before US scan

Number of women n = 34 (%)

Benefits of USS


Knowledge of health of baby

30 (88)


22 (64)

Confirmation of pregnancy

4 (12)

Confirmation of gestational age

13 (38)


Number of babies

6 (18)

Sex determination

1 (3)

Concerns of USS

Harming the baby

The machine uses rays which could affect the baby

5 (15)

Harming the mother

The machine used during the procedure could hurt the mother

5 (15)

Uncertainty of outcome

Not being sure of state and condition of the baby and not knowing real reason for being asked to undergo US scan

3 (9)