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Table 5 Agreement measures for continuous variables from maternal charts (n = 1,084)

From: Validating the British Columbia Perinatal Data Registry: a chart re-abstraction study

Variable name

ICC (95 % CI)a,b

Maternal information


 Pre-pregnancy weight

0.97 (0.96 –0.97)

 Admission weight

0.94 (0.94 –0.95)


0.90 (0.89 –0.92)

Antenatal information



0.76 (0.73 –0.78)

 Previous term deliveries

0.99 (0.98 –0.99)

 Previous preterm deliveries

0.86 (0.85 –0.88)

 Previous spontaneous abortions

0.92 (0.91 –0.93)

 Previous therapeutic abortions

0.90 (0.88 –0.91)

 Previous cesarean deliveries

0.99 (0.99 –0.99)

 Previous vaginal deliveries

0.99 (0.99 –0.99)

 Number of living children

0.98 (0.98 –0.99)

 Third trimester hemoglobin

0.85 (0.83 –0.87)

 Gestational age at first ultrasound, in weeks

0.92 (0.90 –0.93)

 Gestational age at first ultrasound, in days

0.90 (0.89 –0.92)

 Total prior admissions this pregnancy

0.59 (0.55 –0.63)

 School years completed

0.92 (0.90 –0.94)

 Number of antenatal visits

0.91 (0.90 –0.92)

Labour and delivery information


 Cervical dilation on admission

0.88 (0.86 –0.90)

 Cervical dilation prior to cesarean delivery

0.96 (0.95 –0.97)

 Postpartum hemoglobin value

0.98 (0.98 –0.98)

  1. aMeasure of validity based on weighted data
  2. bICC calculation based on records that were complete in both the BCPDR and reabstraction database; does not account for disagreement due to missing values