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Table 3 Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) for cost per extra infant mortality (IM) averted and extra life year (LY) saved: for NGO run community nutrition centres (CNSs), government (Govt.) run CNCs and for a hypothetical highest cost scenarioa

From: Cost-effectiveness of invitation to food supplementation early in pregnancy combined with multiple micronutrients on infant survival: analysis of data from MINIMat randomized trial, Bangladesh

Switching alternatives

Incremental IM averted

Incremental Costs (US$)

ICERs for one extra unit of gain (US$)


IM averted

LY savedb

LY savedc



Govt. run CNC

Highest cost


Govt. run CNC

Highest cost


Govt. run CNC

Highest cost


Govt. run CNC

Highest cost

UFe60F to EMMSd

27.3 (44.1 − 16.8)

24,746 (66,953 − 42,207)

21,760 (58,699 − 36,939)

27,952 (75,817 − 47,865)

907 (24,746/27.3)

797 (21,760/27.3)

1024 (27,952/27.3)

30 (24,746/819)

27 (21,760/819)

34 (27,952/819)

45 (24,746/554)

39 (21,760/554)

51 (27,952/554)

UFe60F to EMMSe


Lower limit

36.14 (44.1 − 7.96)

24,746 (66,953 − 42,207)

21,760 (58,699 − 36,939)

27,952 (75,817 − 47,865)

685 (24,746/36.14)

602 (21,760/36.14)

774 (27,952/36.14)

23 (24,746/1084)

20 (21,760/1084)

26 (27,952/1084)

34 (24,746/734)

30 (21,760/734)

38 (27,952/734)

Upper limit

9.60 (44.1 − 34.50)


2577 (24,746/9.60)

2266 (21,760/9.60)

2911 (27,952/9.60)

85 (24,746/288)

76 (21,760/288)

97 (27,952/288)

126 (24,746/195)

112 (21,760/195)

143 (27,952/195)

  1. a UFe60F = invitation to prenatal food at usual time in pregnancy (at about 20 week) plus 60 mg iron 400 μgm folic acid, EMMS = early invitation to prenatal food supplement (at about 9 week) plus multiple micronutrients (MMS); IM rates per 1000 live births in UFe60F 44.1, and EMMS 16.8 [reference number 15]. LY saved = IM averted* life expectancy (LE) at birth [70 years in 2012, reference number 17] discounted at 3 % and 5 %, present value 29.99 and 20.31 years, respectively. Because of rounding, some estimates are same
  2. b Based on LY saved when LE at birth discounted at 3 %, present value 29.99 years; moving from UFe60F to EMMS, 27.3*29.99 = 819 years
  3. c Based on LY saved when LE at birth discounted at 5 %, present value 20.31 years; moving from UFe60F to EMMS, 27.3*20.31 = 554 years
  4. d ICER for moving from UFe60F to EMMs using the point estimate HR, 0.38 (95 % CI: 0.18 to 0.78)
  5. e ICERs for moving from UFe60F to EMMs using the lower and upper limits of 95 % CI of HR. The lower limit of 95 % CI of HR (0.18) is related to 4.74 infant deaths [Total deaths 10 out of 595 live births; 10/0.38*0.18 = 4.74] resulting in IM rate of 7.96/1000 live births (4.74/595*1000 = 7.96); the upper limit (0.78) is related to 20.53 deaths [10/0.38*0.78 = 20.53] resulting in IM rate 34.50/1000 live births (20.53/595*1000 = 34.50). Death rates in arms EMMS, 16.8/per 1000 live births and UFe60F, 44.10/1000 live births (reference number 15). LYs saved from lower limit of HR at 3 % live expectancy at birth, 36.14*29.99 = 1084, and at 5 % discount rate of life expectancy at birth, 36.14*20.31 = 734. These figures using upper limit of HR were, 9.60*29.99 = 288, and 9.60*20.31 = 195, respectively