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Table 2 Recognition of danger signs by SBAs

From: Quality of intrapartum care by skilled birth attendants in a refugee clinic on the Thai-Myanmar border: a survey using WHO Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment

Danger sign

SBAs that would discuss this with the doctor % (n)

Previous bad obstetric history/caesarean section/stillbirth

85 (17)

Hypertension/headache /oedema/seizures

95 (19)


70 (14)

Fetal distress/no fetal movement

100 (20)

Abnormal lie/position of fetus

90 (18)

Sepsis/smelly discharge/post-partum abdominal pain

30 (6)

Slight bleeding/spotting

65 (13)

Haemorrhage/heavy bleeding

85 (17)

Twins/large abdomen

70 (14)

Obstructed/prolonged labour/indication for vacuum

100 (20)

Asthma/fever/malaria/HIV positive

85 (17)

(Grand)multiparity/premature labour/abnormal baby

95 (19)