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Table 3 Overall thrombin generation results for the cohort of women recruited

From: Changes in thrombin generation and D-dimer concentrations in women injecting enoxaparin during pregnancy and the puerperium

TG parameter

1 sttrimester

2 ndtrimester

3 rdtrimester

Within 1 week of delivery

≥8 weeks pp

N = 58; n = 44

N = 117; n = 94

N = 132; n = 108

N = 93; n = 93

N = 98; n = 98

Lag time (min)

4.27 (3.81)

3.53 (1.26)

3.88 (2.46)

3.14 (1.32)

3.13 (1.34)

ETP (nmol/L.min)

1391 (795)

1757 (706)

1692 (631)

1857 (633)

1293 (409)

Peak height (nmol/L)

208 (141)

277 (136)

262 (116)

356 (127)

261 (80)

Time to Peak (min)

8.09 (5.18)

7.05 (3.27)

7.36 (3.91)

5.57 (2.83)

5.68 (1.58)

Start tail (min)

27.3 (9.7)

26.4 (6.9)

26.6 (6.8)

24.2 (5.8)

20.6 (2.79)

  1. Mean with sd in brackets presented; pp refers to post-partum. N refers to the number of samples analysed at each time point, n refers to the number of women providing these samples.