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Table 1 Characteristics of women aged 15-49 years reporting a pregnancy during the last 3 years

From: Seeking evidence to support efforts to increase use of antenatal care: a cross-sectional study in two states of Nigeria


% (n/N)


Cross river


Had at least four ANC visits to a govt. health facility

46 (3259/6943)

40 (3012/7441)

From urban household

30 (2569/7568)

18 (1243/7861)

Age (at time of survey)


15-18 years

9 (6377562)

16 (1175/7845)

19-35 years

82 (6267/7562)

77 (6108/7845)

36-49 years

9 (658/7562)

7 (562/7845)

Education level


No education

7 (515/7524)

48 (3646/7808)

Some primary

23 (1760/7524

13 (1050/7808)

Some junior secondary

15 (1145/7524)

2 (120/7808)

Some senior secondary

37 (2724/7524)

6 (434/7808)

Diploma or higher

18 (1380/7524)

1 (94/7808)

Informal (Arabic/Islamic)


30 (2464/7808)

Married or cohabiting

81 (6150/7558)

97 (7644/7851)

Had enough food for themselves during the last week

82 (6142/7552)

90 (7063/7836)

Gainfully employed

59 (4428/7558)

48 (3741/7800)

Received information on maternal health issues from a health worker

71 (5319/7542)

42 (3526/7755)

Involved in decision on where to go for ANC (alone or with husband)

25 (1932/7545)

0.5 (41/7812)

Considered a government health facility as the nearest one for maternal care

84 (6166/7333)

96 (7358/7666)

Did not experience intimate partner violence during last year

80 (5992/7482)

96 (7484/7808)

Number of previous pregnancies


No previous pregnancy

24 (1717/7341)

14 (1158/7742)

One previous pregnancy

21 (1552/7341)

18 (1372/7742)

Two previous pregnancies

17 (1237/7341)

16 (1251/7742)

Three or more previous pregnancies

38 (2835/7341)

51 (3961/7742)

Received help with work from a family member during pregnancy

78 (5654/7335)

68 (5428/7846)

Education level of household head


No education

11 (809/7424)

30 (2030/7360)

Some primary

21 (1528/7424)

11 (842/7360)

Some junior secondary

8 (565/7424)

2 (206/7360)

Some senior secondary

35 (2667/7424)

11 (818/7360)

Diploma or higher

25 (1855/7424)

8 (565/7360)

Informal (Arabic/Islamic)


37 (2899/7360)

From household having enough food during last week

79 (5919/7525)

83 (6177/7451)

From household with own motorized transport

40 (2921/7493)

39 (2894/7454)

From community with a govt. health facility providing ANC services

71 (3808/5304)

27 (2404/7460)

From community with good access road

37 (2104/5216)

31 (2495/7225)

From community with a village development committee

77 (4039/5304)

35 (2482/7460)