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Table 10 Studies of facility based ANC in high-income countries and effect on stillbirths

From: Reducing stillbirths: behavioural and nutritional interventions before and during pregnancy


Location and Type of Study


Stillbirths/Perinatal Outcomes

Intervention/observational studies of facility based ANC in developed countries

Homer et al. 2001 [67]

Australia (Sydney). Hospital-based study.

RCT. N = 1089 (N = 550 intervention group, N = 539 controls).

Compared the impact of a community-based model of continuity of care employing midwives and obstetricians to standard hospital-based care. Women were randomised prior to ANC booking.

SBR: 7.3/1000 (4/550) vs. 3.7/1000 (2/539) in intervention vs. control groups, respectively [No statistical significance data].

Ratten 1992 [66]

Australia (Melbourne). Tertiary referral hospital.

Prospective cohort study at The Royal Women's Hospital. N = 780 low-risk pregnant women in shared care (intervention group), N = 15436 hospital patients (control group).

Compared pregnancy outcomes among participants in a public hospital based shared ANC program to those of hospital patients who received standard care.

SBR: 5.1/1000 vs 12.5/1000 in intervention group (those who completed the ANC program) vs. controls, respectively. No statistical significance data.

PMR: 6.4/1000 vs 20.5/1000 in intervention group (those who completed the ANC program) vs. controls, respectively. No statistical significance data.

Siegel et al. 1985 [69]

USA (North Carolina). Rural community.

Quasi-experimental, controlled, before-after pilot study. Pregnant women (N = 3384 intervention, N = 2996 controls).

Assessed the impact of a rural regional perinatal care program

Fetal deaths: [NS]


Note: Fetal deaths, NMR, and birth-weight specific mortality rates declined in both pilot and control regions, for both races, and especially for 1501–2500 g infants.

Sokol et al 1980 [68]

USA (Cleveland, Ohio). Hospital-based study.

Case-control study. N = 5416 women.

Compared pregnancy outcomes among women enrolled in a multidisciplinary maternal and infant care project (cases) with women who received standard ANC/infant care (controls).

SBR: 57% reduction (P < 0.003)

[6.29/1000 vs 14.77/1000 in intervention vs. control groups, respectively]

PMR: 60% reduction (P < 0.0001)

[14.97/1000 vs 38.39/1000 in intervention vs. control groups, respectively]

  1. aNS = Non-significant