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Table 2 Search term combinations for identification of studies predicting complications of pre eclampsia

From: Tests for predicting complications of pre-eclampsia: A protocol for systematic reviews









Final Refinement

1. pre adj eclampsia

2. preeclampsia

3. hypertens $

4. pregnan $

5. pre-eclampsia #.DE.

6. hypertension #.DE.

7. pregnancy #.DE.

8. 3 or 6 (hypertension)

9. 4 OR 7 (pregnancy)

10. 8 and 9 (pregnancy and hypertension)

12. history

13. parity

14. multiparity or nulliparity

15. matern$ near age

16. (previous or prior) near eclampsia

17. (previous or prior) near preeclampsia

18. (previous or prior) near pre adj eclampsia

19. multiple near pregnan$*

20. twin$ or triplet$ or quadruplet$

21. symptom$

22. headache

23. epigastric near pain

24. naus$ or vomit$

25. race

26. diabet$

27. stress

28. lupus

29. thrombophilia

30. medical-history-taking#.DE.

31. maternal-age#.DE.

32. pregnancy-multiple#.DE.

33. headache#.DE.

34. signs-and-symptoms-digestive#.DE.

35. vision-disorders#.DE.

36. weight gain#.DE.

37. population-groups#.DE.

38. diabetes-mellitus#.DE.

39. stress-psychological#.DE.

40. autoimmune-diseases#.DE.

41. thrombophilia#.DE.

43. blood adj pressure

44. oedema or edema

45. tendon$ near reflex$

46. hyperreflexia

47. clonus

48. papilledema or papilloedema

49. retina$ near change$

50. oliguria

51. symphys$ near fundal

52. symphys$ near height

53. cardiotocogra$

54. oxygen near saturat$

55. blood-pressure-determination#.DE.

56. edema#.DE.

57. reflex-abnormal#.DE.

58. retinal-diseases#.DE.


60. cardiotocography#.DE.


63. serum near uric adj acid

64. urin near analys $

65. urin$

66. maternal near (feto adj protein$ or fetoprotein$ or alphafetoprotein$)

67. urin$ near calcium

68. hypoalbuminemia or hypoalbuminaemia

69. microalbuminuria

70. fibronectin$

71. proteinuria

72. renal adj function near test$

73. liver adj function near test$

74. liquor near volume

75. biophysical near profile

76. ultraso$

77. antithrombin$

78. platelet adj count

79. anti adj thrombin$

80. fibrinogen

81. antiphospholipid $

82. haemoglobin

83. uric-acid-QN.DE

84. alpha-fetoproteins #.DE

85. calcium-ur. DE

86. hypoalbuminemi a#.DE.

87. fibronectins .DE.

88. proteinuria #.DE.

89. kidney-function-test s#.DE.

90. liver-function-tests #.DE.

91. ultrasonography #.DE.

92. haematologic-test s#.DE.

93. antithrombin-III. DE.

94. fibrinogen #.DE.

95. antibodies-antiphospholipid #.DE.

96. diagnostic-imaging #.DE.

99. complicat$

100. (renal or kidney$) near (disease$ or complicat$)

101. (hepatic or liver$) near (disease$ or complicat$)

102. death or mortality

103. morbidity

104. eclampsia

105. (pulmonary or lung) near (complicat$ or disease$)

106. thromboembolism

107. pulmonary near(oedema or edema)

108. ventilat$

109. stroke

110. uter$5 near haemorrhage

111. abruption

112. (heart or cardiac) near arrest$

113. (psychiatric or mental) near (illness$ or complication$1 or disorder)

114. hospitali$

115. hypox$ near isch$

116. (development$ or learning) near (disorder$ or difficult$)

117. pregnancy-complications#.DE.

118. kidney-diseases#.DE.

119. renal-dialysis#

120. liver-diseases#.DE.

121. death#

122. eclampsia#

123. pulmonary-embolism.DE.

124. respiration-artificial#

125. cerebrovascular-disorders#.DE.

126. brain-edema.DE.

127. intracranial-hypertension#.DE.

128. uterine-haemorrhage.DE.

129. abruption-placentae#.DE.

130. heart-diseases#

131. mood-disorders#.DE.

132. hospitalization#

133. infant-newborn-diseases#

134. respiratory-distress-syndrome-newborn.DE.

135. mental-disorders-diagnosed-in-childhood#.DE.

137. 11 and 98 and 136

(Captures Population and Test and Outcome)

138. animal = yes

139. human = yes

140. 138 not 139

141. 137 not 140

142. PT = comment or PT = letter

11. 1 OR 2 OR 5 OR 10

(Captures Population)

42. OR/12–41

(Captures history)

62. or/43–61

(Captures examination)

97. or/63–96

(Captures investigation)

136. or/99–135

(Captures Outcome)

143. 141 not 142

Final citation set (animal only studies, comments and letters excluded)


98. 42 or 62 or 97 (Captures Test)

  1. Key to commands and codes used in Dialog interface:
  2. Adj = words adjacent;; near = words within five words of each other in any order;.DE. = descriptor (MeSH heading);# = Exploded MeSH heading
  3. $ = Truncated to allow for variant word endings; QN = Quick analysis pre-exploded subheading (including analysis, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, isolation and purification PT = Publication Type