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Table 1 Variables included in the analyses

From: Antenatal care and perinatal outcomes in Kwale district, Kenya

Background Characteristics

Behavioural Decisions

Perinatal Outcomes

Distance from dispensary

a) Binary – less or more than 5 km

b) Actual distance in km

Antenatal care

a) At least one visit

b) Number of visits if >0 There were insufficient data to assess the timing of ANC

Pregnancy outcome Live birth vs. stillbirth


a) Wealth Quintile (using the World Bank method [21])

b) Income (mean reported income over three visits)

There was no correlation between these measures (χ2 = 126, p < 0.001)

Tetanus Typhoid (TT) and Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) doses

The number of TT and SP doses are perfectly correlated and hence are considered as a single variable

Healthy Weight Healthy ≥ 2.5 kg


Use of an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITMN)


Mother's age

Who assisted delivery



Dummy variable to indicate women who are primigravidae

Where delivery took place

A formal health facility is any of the 5 levels of health facility provided in Kenya (Dispensaries/Clinics, Health centres, primary hospitals, secondary hospitals and tertiary hospitals). In 2004, there were 4,767 health facilities in Kenya, 362 of which are in the Coast province [22]. Dispensaries are staffed by enrolled nurses, public health technicians and dressers (medical assistants) [22].