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Table 3 Included studies on maternal obesity and delayed onset of lactation

From: A systematic review of maternal obesity and breastfeeding intention, initiation and duration

Authors, Year of Publication, Country, and Year(s) of Study


Definition of obesity


Chapman & Perez-Escamilla 1999 [15] USA 1996–1997

Hartford Hospital, Connecticut Healthy, single, term infant n = 192

Women's bodies were classified as slim, average, heavy or obese

Delayed lactogenesis (> 72 hours)

Slim/average build 26.4%

Heavy/obese build 52.2%

Multivariate analysis

Heavy/obese build OR 3.2 (95 CI% 1.5, 6.7)

(adjusted for birth weight, method of birth, ethnicity, serious medical condition, parity, formula feeding day 2)

Chapman & Perez-Escamilla 2000 [46] USA 1997–1998

Connecticut Healthy mothers with a healthy, single, term infant n = 57

Definition of obesity: at least 2 of 3:

1. BMI at 72 h > 30,

2. subscapular skin fold thickness at 72 h > 33.7 mm (> 85%ile)

3. heavy/obese build on day 1.

Multivariate analysis

Onset -Milk transfer at 60 h (< or > 9.2 g/feed)

Obese: OR 6.14 (95%CI: 1.10, 37.41, p = 0.05) compared to non-obese

Onset – Maternal perception (< or > 72 h)

Obese: OR 1.97 (95%CI: 0.29, 13.41, p = 0.49) compared to non-obese


Women who bf more frequently had higher milk transfer values and earlier onset of lactogenesis, than women who bf less frequently


No relationship between these variables

Dewey et al 2003 [47] USA 1999

Davis, California Healthy, single, term infants, planning to bf > 1 m n = 280

BMI measured 2 weeks postpartum BMI > 27.0 taken as overweight/obese

Delayed lactogenesis (> 72 hours)

Normal 16%

Overweight/obese 33%

p < 0.05

Multivariate analysis for delayed lactogenesis:

Overweight/obese: RR 2.46 (95%CI: 1.45, 3.64)

(adjusted for C-section, parity, flat nipples, birth weight):

Multivariate analysis for suboptimal infant feeding behaviour on day 7:

Overweight/obese: RR 2.58 (95%CI: 1.07, 5.22).

Hilson et al 2004 [42] USA 1998

Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, NY Intended to bf, singleton infant n = 114

BMI calculated from pre-pregnancy weight and height

IOM definition of obesity

Delayed lactogenesis (> 72 hours)

Normal 18.5%

Overweight 30.8%

Obese 33.3%

Univariate analysis NS

Multivariate analysis NS {not enough power to show a difference}

Rasmussen et al 2004 [16] USA Years of study not stated

Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown, NY n = 40

Pre-pregnancy BMI from medical records

IOM definition of obesity

Duration of feed at 7 days postpartum:

Overweight/obese women: infants fed for longer: 23.2 (sd 5.6) mins, compared to 15.3 (sd 6.1) mins for normal weight women (p < 0.005)

Prolactin response to suckling (ng/ml):

48 hours

Normal women 26.0 (sd 61.5)

Overweight/obese women -10.3 (sd 28.3)

p < 0.05

Prolactin response to suckling (ng/ml):

7 days

Normal women 80.9 (sd 67.6)

Overweight/obese women 57.1 (sd 60.2)


Other hormones (insulin, estradiol, progesterone): NS difference between groups. However, insulin levels were 44% higher in overweight/obese women at 7 days (non-fasting levels and inadequate power).

Path analysis: effect of pre-pregnant BMI on prolactin response at 7 days: -30.9 ng/ml.