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Table 1 Breastfeeding support questions

From: The role of support and other factors in early breastfeeding cessation: an analysis of data from a maternity survey in England

Thinking about feeding your baby, did you feel that midwives and other carers gave you:

Yes, always

Yes, generally

a) Consistent advice?


b) Practical help?

Don’t know

c) Active support and encouragement?

Didn’t want this


(Please tick one answer for each of a), b) and c))

Who helped or advised you with feeding your baby?

Health professions


Parent support or peer group

Voluntary organisation

Breastfeeding clinic

I was not given any help or advice

I did not need help or advice


(Please tick all that apply)

Since your baby was born have the following been available or used by you?

Was available

a) A 'baby café’1

Have attended or used


(Please tick one answer or leave blank if service not available)

  1. 1'baby cafés’ are a national network of drop-ins providing breastfeeding information and support, led by a health professional or breastfeeding counsellor.