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Table 1 Potential benefits of obstetric ultrasound in antenatal care

From: First look: a cluster-randomized trial of ultrasound to improve pregnancy outcomes in low income country settings

Diagnoses of the following conditions


Gestational age to diagnose prematurity and post-dates


Placenta previa


Fetal malposition


Multiple gestation


Ectopic pregnancy


Retained placental products following delivery


Fetal anomalies


Fetal growth restriction


Poly- and oligio-hydramnios


Fetal demise


Obstructive fibroids

Potential benefits related to health care


Increased enrollment in prenatal care (access to testing for syphilis, iron/vitamins, etc.)


Increased basic facility usage for delivery for women with uncomplicated pregnancies


Increased hospital referral for delivery for women with complicated pregnancies


Decreased inappropriate transfers


Recruitment and retention of community physicians and midwives


Specific diagnostic information to inform expecting mothers to deliver in a risk-appropriate setting

Potential outcomes achieved with prenatal ultrasound


Reduction of maternal mortality and maternal near-miss morbidity


Reduction of fetal and newborn mortality


Rational management of preeclampsia/eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and other conditions related to gestational age dating


The ability to treat women with a short cervix with progesterone or a pessary to decrease preterm birth


Appropriate treatment of women with incomplete abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and fetal demise


Reduction in emergency care for birthing complications due to more deliveries in risk-appropriate settings