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Table 1 Definitions of outcomes

From: Public views of acceptability of perinatal mental health screening and treatment preference: a population based survey

Acceptability of prenatal and postnatal screening

Views of prenatal screening were considered to be acceptable if participants responded to the item All women should be screened for depression and anxiety in pregnancy with a response of strongly agree or agree (versus strongly disagree, disagree, or neither agree nor disagree). A similar item related to postnatal screening assessed its acceptability.


To assess the first source of help and support, we asked respondents to identify who would be their first choice if they or their partner had depression during pregnancy or after delivery (e.g., partner, friend, family doctor, obstetrician, midwife, public health nurse, parent, other relative).

Treatment for perinatal mental health problems: accurate knowledge of treatment options

Knowledge of perinatal mental health treatment options was considered accurate if participants responded to the item The only way of treating anxiety and/or depression is with medication with a response of strongly disagree or disagree (versus strongly agree, agree, or neither agree nor disagree). Preferred treatment options were assessed by the single item, If you had depression during pregnancy or after you had a baby, what kind of treatment options would you prefer, where respondents had opportunity to select all that applied from a list (see Tables 5 and 6).