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Table 1 Questions used to evaluate obstetric and neonatal care knowledge and skills of providers

From: Current evidence on basic emergency obstetric and newborn care services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; a cross sectional study

Obstetric knowledge and skills

Neonatal care knowledge and skills

1. Diagnosing labour (4)

1. Diagnosing Birth Asphyxia (4)

Dilation of the cervix

Depressed breathing

Regular uterine contractions


Discharge of blood and mucus

Heart rate < 100 beats per minute

Breaking of the waters/ruptured membranes

Central cyanosis

2. Monitoring a woman is in labour (9)

2. Preliminary steps of neonatal resuscitation (6)

Foetal heart beat

Place new born face up

Dialation of the cervix

Wrap baby, except for face and upper chest

Maternal blood pressure

Position baby’s head so neck is extended

Uterine contractions

Aspirate mouth and then nose

Maternal pulse

Stimulate by rubbing back

Maternal temperature

Explain process to mother

Descent of the head

3. Steps of bag and mask resuscitation

Colour of amniotic fluid

Cover baby’s chin, mouth and nose with mask

Degree of moulding

Ensure seal

3. Steps of AMTSL

Ventilate 40 times per min

Immediate oxytocin (1 to 2 min)

Pause to determine breathing

Controlled cord traction

4. Care for baby who failed to breathe (3)

Uterine massage

Continue ventilation with bag and mask

4. Observation for PPH (6)

Assess need for special care

Sign of shock

Explain to mother what is happening

Signs of anaemia

5. Immediate new born care provided (10)

Retained products or retained placenta

Clean the mouth, face and nose

Amount of external blood

Ensure the baby is breathing

Damage to the genital tract

Ensure the baby is dry

Whether uterus is contracted

Observe for colour

5. Care for a woman with PPH (6)

Care for the umbilical cord

Begin intravenous fluids

Provide prophylaxis for eyes

Give ergometrine or oxytocin (IV or IM)

Weigh the baby

Manually remove retained products

Thermal protection (skin to skin)

Examine woman for lacerations

Begin breastfeeding within first hour

Massage the fundus

Evaluate/examine baby within first hour
