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Table 2 Study outcomes, expected results and key indicators

From: The BRAzil MAGnesium (BRAMAG) trial: a randomized clinical trial of oral magnesium supplementation in pregnancy for the prevention of preterm birth and perinatal and maternal morbidity

Study outcomes

Expected result

Key indicator

1a. Perinatal composite outcome (Main perinatal outcome)

Reduction in the rate of the composite perinatal outcome among infants of women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Preterm birth < 37 weeks gestation, stillbirth > 20 weeks gestation, neonatal death < 28 days after birth, or SGA birthweight < 10 percentile

1b. Preterm birth (PTB) (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of PTB among infants of women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Birth at gestational age < 37 weeks

1c. Stillbirth (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of stillbirths among pregnant women exposed to Mg++

Fetal loss after 20 weeks gestation, in the absence of a major congenital anomaly evident at birth

1d. Small for gestational age birthweight < 10th percentile (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of SGA among infants of women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

SGA detected by a birthweight < 10th percentile

1e. Neonatal death < 28 days after birth (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of neonatal death SGA among infants of women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Neonatal death of a liveborn infant from the date of birth up to and including 27 days after birth, in the absence of a major congenital anomaly evident at birth

1f. Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of NICU admission among infants of women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

NICU admission < 28 days after birth

2a. Maternal composite outcome (Main maternal outcome)

Reduction in the rate of the composite maternal outcome among women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Preeclampsia or eclampsia < 37 weeks gestation, severe gestational hypertension < 37 weeks gestation, placental abruption in pregnancy, or maternal stroke or death during pregnancy or ≤ 7 days after delivery

2b. Preeclampsia and eclampsia < 37 weeks gestation (Secondary objective)

Reduction in rate of preterm preeclampsia or eclampsia among pregnant women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Increased blood pressure > 140/90 mm Hg associated with ≥ 2 proteinuria, and/or seizures, and/or the HELLP Syndrome, arising < 37 weeks gestation

2c. Severe non-proteinuric hypertension < 37 weeks gestation (Secondary objective)

Reduction in rate of preterm severe non-proteinuric hypertension among pregnant women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Increased systolic blood pressure > 160 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure > 105 mm Hg, with ≤ 1+ proteinuria, arising < 37 weeks gestation

2d. Maternal stroke (Secondary objective)

Reduction in rate of maternal stroke among pregnant women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Abrupt onset of a focal neurological deficit in the distribution of a brain artery persisting more than 24 hours due to intracerebral hemorrhage or ischemic infarction, arising during pregnancy or ≤ 7 days after delivery

2d. Maternal intensive care unit (ICU) admission (Secondary objective)

Reduction in the rate of maternal ICU admission among women exposed to Mg++ vs. placebo

Adult ICU admission during pregnancy or ≤ 7 days after delivery